#47 I don't think we can be friends anymore.

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"Liv... wake up" 


Pulled out of my dreams by a soothing deep voice I reluctantly I open my eyes, blinking in the light and that is when the delicious aroma of pancakes floods my senses. 

"I made you breakfast and let you lie in past the alarm clock, but you don't have long to get ready now." Liam said, nervously. 

A ginormous smile crossed my lips as I tucked into the warm dough. I figured he was still feeling guilty and that's why I was getting treated to breakfast in bed. I felt the bed dip as Liam sat down beside me fully dressed and ready for the day. 

"How you feeling this morning?" I tiptoed through unpredictable waters.  

"Better." But then his eyes trailed to my bandages and I could see the guilt crawl into his face. 

"Don't." I warned getting up to use the bathroom. 

I heard a gasp coming from behind me "Oh my god Liv! You're bleeding" I spun around on the spot to see a wide eyed Liam, completely horrified at the massacre of red spread in a significantly large patch against my white bed sheet.  

Shame overwhelmed me and I threw my hand over my face to hide away from him. From his reaction I think he was shocked to see a substantial amount of blood, I'm guessing he's never seen that before but then I think realization set in for him because I heard him mutter a 'oh' in the midst of my embarrassment. 

I returned from the bathroom with a scarlet face, just like how I went in. 

"You stripped my bed?" My eyes were drawn to the bare mattress and then to him holding the bloodied sheets in his arms. 

"Yeah, you gotta wash the sheets right away on a cold wash or the blood will stain. Trust me I know." He informed me. 

"Oh my god" my hand went right to my face again, I wish the ground would swallow me whole. 

Suddenly I felt Liam next to me, gently he removed my hand and looked me square in the eyes. 

"You're not seriously embarrassed about this are you? You've seen me cry, have meltdowns, lose control, get morning glory, have nightmares, the list goes on. This is nothing, it's natural." 

"So is elephant shit but I wouldn't wanna see it plastered all over my bed." 

He laughed. I laughed. It allowed us to move past our awkward moment.


I looked back at my reflection in the mirror of the girls bathroom, now that Liam wasn't here I could remove the bandages, I only used them to hide the cuts from his view. Rolling up my sleeves I gingerly peeled back the bandage grimacing as the adhesive pulls at my skin. I have five small cuts on each wrist, each one surrounded in dried blood. The whole area looks a little swollen, purple and feels tender. It looked worse than it felt. I held a cold compress against them for a few minutes and it was a welcome sensation, hoping the coolness would take the swelling down a bit. The door sprung open and I quickly pulled down my sleeves, hiding away Liams shame.

"What's that?" Tia asked as she walked closer to me. 

"What's what? I asked, even though I knew exactly what she meant. 

"Your arms" Her brow furrowed and she yanked my arm outright, pulling up my sleeve and inspecting my exposed cuts. I tried to wiggle my arm free but she grabbed the other one and exposed them too. 

BAD BOY ABUSED (female pov read first)Where stories live. Discover now