#21 You got really lucky there.

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A warm hand found its way on my shoulder, sending shivers down my spine and I smiled to myself knowing exactly who Jordan had chosen because there's only one certain bad boy  capable of making my body react in such delicious ways

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A warm hand found its way on my shoulder, sending shivers down my spine and I smiled to myself knowing exactly who Jordan had chosen because there's only one certain bad boy  capable of making my body react in such delicious ways.


As my nerves spiraled out of control I didn't turn around to face him, I couldn't. I had practiced what I was going to say to him several times in my head but now that he was next to me, touching me my tongue felt heavy and my brain fell blank, betrayed by my own body. Silence stretched across the room, only disturbed by shallow breaths that left our lungs and mingled as one, together in the air. I remained facing away from him, staring towards the black screen.

"Here's the deal, Jordan has cameras everywhere but they don't pick up that far corner. So if we're going to do something then it will have to be over there because I'm not into making him a personalized porno." 

My head whipped around to face him so fast I gave myself whiplash. "We're not doing anything Liam." I screeched in a high pitch tone, completely horrified at what he was insinuating. But then I noticed the cocky grin taking place across his lips and I knew he was just toying with me. His face was lit up with humor and guarded eyes sparkled in the darkness.

Sighing with relief, I realized I wasn't just relieved because I knew Liam wasn't expecting anything from me but also because I was grateful at how easily he breaks the ice and eases the awkward, tense atmosphere between us. Deep down I knew that he was trying to avoid the subject, was he really trying to get away with acting completely normal and not mentioning the tree house at all?

I took a deep breath, determine to release some of the heaviness of my tongue. 

"Liam we need to talk about last night." 

There. I said it.

His whole manner changed, the smile instantaneously fell from his face. Sapphire rings pulled the ocean blue into darkness, swallowed whole by two black pupils that shot an unspoken warning my way.

"Liv.. don't." 

His voice low, deep and intimidating. But as unnerving as he was I refused to give up.

"Liam you was in my tree house with a sleeping bag. Were you sleeping up there? Do you sleep up there? I know this wasn't the first time, I've found wrappers to those sports bars you e-" 

"Liv. Stop. I can't." His daunting stare threatened to shut me down but I kept going.

"Liam... I seen you, you can't avoid this."

"Someone will hear you" 

Panic vibrated through Liams body, as he looked around paranoid, checking to see if we were really alone. Anger rising in the tone of his voice. 

But we were alone. 

Inside a darkened cinema room that was fully sound proofed. Nobody could hear us he was just avoiding the question, again.

BAD BOY ABUSED (female pov read first)Where stories live. Discover now