#25 I made the cheer squad.

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The day I've been dreading. 

The alarm clock ring pummeled through my ears in an attempt to wake me up. I felt like throwing it out of my window and hiding underneath my duvet to avoid getting on that bus today.

"Olivia get out bed! Your dad & I are leaving soon, come say goodbye." 

I'm still bitter about them leaving two weeks earlier than planned but I couldn't not say goodbye to my parents when I know I'm only going to see their faces on video chat for the next five weeks. Dragging myself out of bed I quickly showered and changed into comfortable clothing, I'm about to sit on the bus for four hours I don't want to be wearing jeans.

Heading to the kitchen I could already smell scrambled eggs and bacon, knowing my mom has cooked me a farewell breakfast like the good woman she is. 

"Olivia we really have to get on the road, make sure you take everything you need for the week away, have an amazing time and don't get into too much trouble." 

They took turns kissing my head and hugging me as I mumbled my goodbye through delicious mouthfuls of the hot food. 

"We're sorry we needed to leave early my love." 

"Mom it's fine, I'm a big girl, I'll be okay. I reassured her, not feeling reassured myself.

"Ok. We'll miss you, we'll talk every day on video chat. Love you, bye." 


And with the slam of the door my parents were gone, again. I was left alone in the silence of the walls that made up my house. I tried to hold back my tears but I couldn't. You would think after all this time I would be numb to it but it still upsets me that nobody wants to be around me, not even my parents. Shaking myself off I grabbed my bags and headed for the door knowing my butt has to be sitting on the bus at 7AM.


Vibrant shades of yellow and orange chased away the skies darkness of the night in a beautiful display of colour. The bus had pulled up outside of school and rowdy teenagers stood close by, all engaging in their own excited chatter. I had one duffel bag unlike Tia who stood next to me with bags like she had packed for a month away. The glass doors of the bus shot open and a plump man appeared in the door way with a black, shiny clip board in one hand and a grey megaphone in the other.

"Attention!" he echoed down the megaphone "we'll do the cheerleaders first when I call your name enter the bus Croft Louise, Aimes Kelly, King Ruby, Dempsey Natasha, Mitchell Helen..." Clipboard man rattled off the twelve cheerleaders coming with us, each girl climbing up the stairs of the bus wearing their signature Chestington High red and black uniform.

"Now we'll go with the soccer team..." he continued shouting out names through his ear piercing megaphone and after each name a boy got on the bus. "Peers Jordan" Clipboard man continued with no reply. "I said, Peers Jordan" Again, nothing but tumbleweeds blowing in the wind. Clipboard man looked up from behind his megaphone. 

BAD BOY ABUSED (female pov read first)Where stories live. Discover now