#18 Yes I did know.

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Intense heat pulled me out of my dream as the duvet hugged tightly around my body making me feel imprisoned in stickiness and sweat

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Intense heat pulled me out of my dream as the duvet hugged tightly around my body making me feel imprisoned in stickiness and sweat. Kicking the duvet off and lugging my body towards the window for some fresher air I pulled the curtain back and light filled the room, it was blinding and I could feel the heat hit me through the glass. Today was going to be a really hot day. 

Exhaling my stale air I breathed back in the natural scents of freshly cut grass and warm spring breezes. Today was Friday. Mom and dad would be home today for three weeks and I couldn't wait to not feel so alone between these big, empty walls. I smiled to myself at the thought, instantly uplifting my flushed mood. 

Through my peripheral vision I saw some movement it looked like a figure exiting my garden, it was as quick as a flash and by the time I turned my full attention to it, it was gone. I wasn't sure if my eyes were playing tricks on me because I had been paranoid about the small things I noticed in the back yard recently. Memories of the flashing lights, the mess left up in the tree house and now a figure fell into place like a jigsaw puzzle. I needed to remember to mention this to my parents tonight just to be safe.

My alarm rudely interrupted my thoughts piercing through the walls with the most annoying high pitched ring. It was officially time to start my day.


Tia had me meet her at Principal Jenkins office so we could hand out the supplies again. My cheeks pinked as I remembered the last time I was in here. My fingers traced the edge of the mahogany desk where Liam once stood during what should of been an intimate encounter but instead was cold and reserved. 

That's when I saw it. 

Placed on Principal Jenkins desk was a thick white folder with 'Liam Maines' written across the front. It was Liams file. Usually all of the students files were locked away in the filing cabinets that enclosed the room. But Liams sat proudly on the desk, waiting to be read like fate was calling out to me. 

I bit my bottom lip and observed this folder like I was willing it to open and spill out all of liams secrets by itself. What could I learn from Liams file? His G.P.A, his past deliquesces, details about his parents or home life, anything that could give me an insight into why Liam is the whirlwind that he is.

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