#39 I'm not nervous.

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"Wow, you're exactly on time

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"Wow, you're exactly on time." 

Six O'clock on the dot Liams at my front door, it was unusual to hear him ring the doorbell for once and not have him come through the back way. I watched him as he reached up and rubbed the back of his neck, he seems so out of place he doesn't really know what to do with himself. 

"Don't be nervous. Just treat me like one of the guys." I threw him a reassuring smile. 

"I'm not nervous" he deadpans, trying to hide his transparent emotions.

I gestured for him to follow me upstairs to my bedroom and as I rummaged through my movie collection his eyes floated everywhere around my bedroom, taking in the lilac surroundings. He shook the snow globes on the dresser watching as little flakes of glitter fell delicately inside the glass dome, he picked up the picture of me and my parents and allowed his fingers to trace around the white frame, his eyes focus on the Polaroids hanging from fairy lights draped across my walls locking onto one photo booth strip in particular which made him sigh out loud and rub his fingers through his hair.

"You're acting like you've never been in my room before." I pointed out, before he could get sucked into the darkness Harris brings out in him.

He turns his attention towards me "I haven't really. The past two times I've been drunk or ... not in the right frame of mind. This is the first time I've seen it properly." 

"What you in the mood for?" I asked turning my attention back to the movies. I hear my drawer open and look up to see what he's rooting through now.


Racing to my feet I dart over to Liam who's peeking inside my underwear drawer, feasting his eyes on all of my colourful, lace panties. I slam the drawer shut almost trapping his fingers. I can feel the flush in my face burning up exposing my embarrassment. Liam looks at me with a cocky grin and shakes his eyebrows suggestively.

"You asked me what I was in the mood for." 

"I meant the movies." I replied with a low tone and deadly stare.

"Anything I don't mind. Action movie" 

He bounced down on my double bed flicking off his shoes and making himself comfortable. I drew the curtains and turned off the lights to give the full cinema affect, then I proceeded to lay myself down next to him really stiffly so I didn't touch him in any way.

"What are you doing?" His eyes flickered with amusement, lit up by the television screen and a smile tugged at his lips as he watched me oddly get into bed with robotic movements.

"I'm just being careful... you know? ... so I don't touch you." 

He let out a slow, sexy giggle and although I enjoyed his reaction I'm confused by it. I thought we established he didn't like to be touched.

BAD BOY ABUSED (female pov read first)Where stories live. Discover now