Chapter Two

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The next morning when I awoke, I quickly realised that I wasn't home, and more to the point, I wasn't alone. 

Across the room from me was a six-foot tall, shirtless, guy with a perfectly toned body, which told me he probably spent an obnoxious amount of time in the gym. 

He had golden blond hair, and when he eventually turned to meet my gaze, I noticed that he had beautiful blue eyes. 

No. I didn't just say that. 

I then looked down at my own body to find something alarming. 

I was naked. 

"Did we?" I asked. 

"Apparently so," said that perfect accent again. 

Okay, so the whole night hadn't been a total blur. This was Nathan. At least, he said he was Nathan. 

"Who are you? What do you want from me?" I asked. 

Nathan chuckled. 

"Absolutely nothing, Trixie. It was just one night," he added. 

"I...I don't usually do that. I don't know what I was thinking. I wasn't thinking," I added quietly, as I ran a hand through my own blonde hair. This was bad. Very bad. 

"I have to get going, Trixie. However, it was lovely meeting you!" he said, with a smile. 

Yeah. Unfortunately I really couldn't say the same. 

"But you can't just leave we-" I cut off, unsure of where exactly I was going with that utterance. 

Nathan just shrugged. 

"We were both drunk," he reminded me. 

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose. 


This was very bad. 

I just would keep it a secret! Nobody needed to know. It was just a happy mistake, right? 

"Gotta go," he said, "Clothes are on the ground, by the way," he said. 


I let my knight in shining armour head out of the room, and then took the time to get out of bed myself. 

This was awful. 

Oh well, Trixie, just focus, I reminded myself. 

I got changed into my clothes, and then headed out into the hall to find the other guy from the previous evening. 

What was his name again? I silently wondered to myself, until it came to me. 

Oh yeah! Jack. 

"Hey Jack," I said. 

He raised an eyebrow at me. 

"Hey...blondie mark two?" 

"Trixie," I told him. 

"What just happened?" he asked. 

"Nathan's gone...I don't know," I said, "Anyway, I better get going," I added. 

Jack just stared, wide-eyed, as I walked past him and out onto the pavement. 

I hailed a taxi, and told it to take me home, giving the guy the address. 

Fortunately, I still had my bag and purse- I made sure to grab that before I left. Good. 

At least, I thought, until it came time to paying the taxi driver, and I found that my cash was gone, as were most of my credit cards. Sugar honey iced tea. 

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