Chapter Seventeen

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March 2221

Damien was around much more recently, and although it was new, and had taken Nathan some time to get used to, "Sacre bleu," as he would say, it was nice that he was back in our lives.

I knew that Nathan had missed his brother at least.

"It really is good to have him back," Nathan said to me as the two of us spent some time together, at the palace. A subtly small smile seemed to appear on his face, and I noticed dimples become apparent in the smoothness of his cheeks.

"It is. I'm happy for you," I told him, with my own smile.

"Are you okay?" he asked me, placing a hand to my stomach for a moment.

So, this was new, and surprisingly intimate, and with my confused feelings for the Prince I had to admit that it did take me a little by surprise.

"I'm okay," I promised.

Jack soon walked towards us. His skin was a tiny bit more tanned since he had been helping Camelot and the other workers at the palace on their building project.

They had been manufacturing weapons, in case of an invasion from the North.

Aside from that, though, they had also been adding to the palace along with the builders.

It was a decent wage, at least.

The queen had recently shown me around more of the palace.

I still had yet to visit the library. Nathan had promised me he would show me it soon, though. As a literature student I couldn't help but be slightly excited by that. I was certain that it would be a wonderful time.

Anyway, Nathan and I had been starting to strengthen the bond between us.

I wasn't sure what I could call us at present besides good friends. Heaven knew that he didn't seem to feel anything for me.

Unless I was just completely oblivious to that matter, of course.

"I'll see you later, Nathan," I told him, and then left to take a walk around the palace.

I was approaching the end of the hallway once I saw Camelot walking out of a nearby kitchen.

So yes, it turned out the palace did have multiple kitchens. It was pretty great, all things considered.

"Hey," I said to him, with a gentle smile.

His eyes lit up a little, as the corners of his mouth twitched up slightly.

"Hello, Trixie. How are you doing?" he asked me in a friendly manner.

"I am well, Cam," I replied.

"How's the stomach aches?" he asked me.

While Nathan had been busy, I had occasionally had to disclose my pregnancy symptoms to Camelot. The queen was using it as a precautionary measure I believed, just to ensure that the baby was well and healthy.

"They're gone now," I said.

Well, sort of. I just didn't want to be cause for alarm. I knew that the queen's stress lines were increasing, with the worries of an invasion. I didn't want to be a person to add to that matter, in all honesty.

"Good," Camelot said with a smile.

No sooner than he could say anything more, Madame Vivienne began to move towards us.

Camelot just gave me a wave with an apologetic smile. I just raised an eyebrow at him as he left me with Madame Vivienne.

"Bonjour, Trixie," Vivienne said.

I wasn't entirely sure how she had picked up a French accent, given that she had only been to France for several months, but here we were.

France were our greatest allies since 2111. Although they didn't have their own royal family, as it had been destroyed a long, long time ago, they made sure to fight along our side.

I should probably state that they were allies with the South.

Our biggest enemies came in the form of invaders from the North, and the Assassin Group from the East, but they hadn't struck us for a while now. 

"Hello Vivienne," I said, forcing my mind away from my thoughts and thankful for the fact that the queen was beginning to approach the two of us. She could save me from having to engage further in this conversation, I thought.

She had been slightly preoccupied recently, the queen, given that Damien had returned. All the same, she was glad to have both of her boys safe and sound again.

It had taken all of us some time to get used to, especially when Damien stated that he wanted to start training as a soldier again, which Diane wasn't entirely pleased with.

She just gave me a subtle smile before heading off again.

Damn it.

It seemed I really wasn't going to be rescued from the conversation, huh?

I just moved some of my hair, which had lightened considerably thanks to hours spent relaxing in the sun, over my shoulder.

King Nicholas soon approached the two of us, and smiled towards me.

It was a good thing that the two of us were now getting along.

"Hello, your majesty," I said.

Vivienne just smiled towards him.

"Hello, Trixie," he replied, with a warm gaze.

It was safe to say that the two of us hadn't gotten off on the right foot, but that was changing now, fortunately.

Vivienne yawned then.

"I am sorry, your majesty," she said with wide eyes, "I suppose I am just tired from travelling," she stated.

It seemed a little peculiar, given that she had travelled days ago, but hey, I wasn't one to judge.

She headed away, and once she was gone, Diane joined us.

She placed a gentle kiss against Nicholas' cheek and his eyes looked affectionately towards her for a moment.

The king and queen's relationship almost made me desire a great relationship, just as much as my parents had, truthfully.

Nicholas' attention was soon turned to a nearby guard, who whispered to him.

Nicholas' gaze soon hardened, and Nathan approached us with a serious expression upon his face.

Diane looked towards him with a concerned expression.

"What is it, father?" Nathan asked him.

"I have just had word that the rebels from the North tried to get in using magic," he stated.

"Magic?" I whispered.

Nathan met my gaze for a moment, with a sympathetic glint in his eye.

"Not real magic like the kind you read about," Nicholas said.

"Pagan witchcraft," Nathan said.

I swallowed, then. My sister was a pagan

"I's not always a threat, but some decide to use it for bad," the king stated.

My sister had informed me of this well enough.

I just swallowed, then, in slight nerves.

I positioned my hand on my stomach again, feeling a little nauseous, but that sensation had very little to do with the pregnancy.

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