Chapter Three

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Two weeks later. 

Or so I thought. 

In the two weeks that had passed since my run in with Nathaniel Lilies, to put it lightly, I had gotten a new credit card; managed to secure a part time job, and booked a holiday abroad, because despite not having that much free spending cash, I needed it. 

Sure, maybe you could say I was being over-dramatic, maybe you could say I needed to take a chill pill. 

Agree to disagree. 

The last two weeks weren't even the end of the weird way fortune's wheel was turning, currently, because I had been faced with overwhelming stomach troubles, and no, it wasn't IBS, or a sign that my period was on its way. 

I was growing a little concerned on the latter of these issues, though, and after going to the doctors several times and them not being able to find anything wrong, I took a deep breath and decided to let myself just work things out on my own. 

It would probably be easier that way, anyway. 

It was November now, which meant that there was more of a chill  in the air, and I had no idea what I was meant to be doing, aside from working. 

Safe to say, I hadn't seen Nathaniel again since the last time I had met him, nor had I even mentioned to any one of my family members what had happened. 

I considered telling Chelsea, but I wasn't set on that just yet. 

As I thought of her, though, there was a knock at the front door, and I quickly paced down the stairs to open the front door for her, and invited her in. 

"Hey you," she said, grabbing me into a hug, "Missed you," she said. 

Chelsea had been pretty busy, she was studying her little butt off because she was going to be heading to university after her gap year. I could only wish her all the luck with that. University was great, but hard work, at times. 

She could do this, though. I believed in her. 

My father soon joined the two of us, and greeted Chelsea. 

"Hi Mr Jems," Chelsea said with a kind smile. 

"Can I get you any food or anything, Chels?" he inquired. 

"You know what? I actually think that I'm alright," she said. 

This was most unlike Chelsea. Much like me, the girl loved to eat. 

Recently, though, my appetite had honestly been tenfold. It didn't really make sense to me, at all. Maybe I was just going through a phase. 

Yeah, I thought decisively, that must be it. 

I went to tie my blonde hair back into a bun and sighed when my hair tie snapped. Damn it. 

It seemed like even the smallest of things could serve to irritate me recently. I just needed to take a deep breath. I was going to be okay. 

I may only have been a  5'3 college graduate who felt slightly overwhelmed by my life and the world right now, but I could do this. 

Chelsea and I headed upstairs and she looked towards my weighing scales in my room. 

"You okay?" she asked me. 

"Dude, I've gained like five pounds," I said. 

"Which, compared to your previous one-hundred and five pounds, isn't exactly a lot, Trixie," she told me. 

I mean, she had a good point. However, it was still weird for me, considering I hadn't thought I'd been eating that much more than usual. 

Oh well, I was still slim. I could really do with taking a chill pill. Right now, I just had some comfort in the form of my best friend Chelsea Knight, which was nice, but it didn't do much for my racing thoughts. 

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