Chapter Twelve

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January came around much more quickly than I could ever have expected, and I was currently sat in the living room, cosied up under a blanket with a book to read, as my father prepared a hot chocolate for me. 

Sure, I could have made one myself, but I was getting treated like royalty (pun intended) during this pregnancy, and I intended to milk that for what it was worth. 

The fireplace was lit, and the amber glow of the flames made my soul feel contented. 

My father soon stepped back into the room to pass me my hot chocolate, and not long after that, I was accompanied by none other than Chelsea Knight. 

"Hey," she smiled at me, as she took a sat next to me on my chair. 

Sure, it may look overcrowded, but there was a different word for the situation going on here: snug. 

"I can't believe it's already January," she said. 

"Tell me about it," I replied, still amazed myself. 

She chuckled. 

"Good book?" she asked, looking towards my tenth contemporary read of the month. 

"It's amazing," I said, "Happy new year, by the way," I grinned. 

"Happy new year. Are you going to see Nathan soon?" she wondered. 

Before I could reply, Piper walked over to us, looking as though she was about to squish up with us. 

"No room," I giggled. 

She just smirked, sitting on the arm of the chair. 

"Well, that works," Chelsea smiled towards her. 

Piper just shrugged. 

"What can I say? I am a woman of many talents," she stated. 

Piper's hair was now back to its usual blonde shade, but I was certain this wouldn't last for long. I could already hear her hair silently screaming 'please don't dye me!'. I silently laughed to myself. Dyed. 

Anyway, jokes aside, Piper had been wonderful during my pregnancy so far. She had taken me out for spa days and meals. 

Nathan, on the other hand, really needed to step us his game. 

All I got from him was confusion and contemplation, but more on that later. 

"Your eyes have got bigger," Piper said. 

"That's not a side of pregnancy, Pipes. I've just always had prominent eyes," I stated. 

She just gave me an observational look, then. 

"Nope," she said decisively, after a moment, "You definitely are becoming an alien," she said. 

Chelsea chuckled at that. 

"What if this whole time the royals weren't royals at all, but actually aliens?" she questioned. 

I just gave a roll of my eyes as the doorbell rang, and Piper went to answer it for whoever was there. 

I observed her speaking with Jack, for a moment. 

"So, we had a raid from the North troops yesterday," he said. 

"You did?" Piper asked him. 

"Of course, I courageously leapt in and fought them all. You're welcome," he joked. 

Piper just playfully hit his forearm. 

"Not cool, Jack," she said. 

"Actually, it was freezing cold out there," he said. 

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