Chapter Thirty-Eight- Epilogue

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October 2222 

Only a few days had passed since we had welcomed Theo Nicholas Lilies into the world, but I had already completely fallen head-over-heels for my baby. He was the cutest child in the world. 

Okay, he was on level with Natalia. 

The both of them were adorable. 

I heard the king enter the nursery behind me, and smiled towards him as he held Theo for a moment. 

"Hello, little prince," he said, as he cuddled him. 

Diane soon entered the room and smiled as Natalia reached out to be picked up by her. 

"Nonna!" Natalia exclaimed. 

Diane and Nicholas both chuckled, as they gazed warmly at each other for a moment. 

So, this was a recent addition, Natalia was beginning to speak. 

It was heartwarming, but it also meant that  I now had to acquire a new skill: decoding baby babble. 

I couldn't think of a sweeter skill to learn, though, that being said. 

"Yes, Natalia, this is nonna," I said back to her, as I felt my cheeks hurt from how much I was smiling. 

It was a good feeling, though, and I knew that I wouldn't trade it for anything. 

I was happy with my family. They made me feel the happiest I could have ever hoped for, and more happy than I would have ever imagined myself to be. 

"Is it auntie Chelsea time?" Chelsea asked then, as she wandered into the room to receive Natalia from Diane's arms. 

"It appears it is," Diane smiled. 

Chelsea cooed down at Natalia, who grinned her way. 

Natalia also had a few teeth, now, and I had to try to calm myself down every so often, when I realised just how quickly she was growing. 

She was the most gorgeous baby, though. 

"Hey Chels, how's you doing?" I asked her. 

She turned to wrap a free arm around me to hug me, then. 

"Pretty well. My fashion business is starting rather successfully," she said then, "Thanks to the help of Jack, of course. He really has been a great help in all of this." 

I smiled happily at that. 

I knew that Chelsea and Jack had set up a fashion business, for baby clothes. 

The main line was called 'Angel Princess' at the moment, but they were planning on creating an 'Angel Prince' line, too. 

It was completely adorable, I had to admit. 

"I'm glad, Chelsea," I said then. 

I would have gone to say more, but then I turned to see Amelie stood in the doorway of my room. 

"Amelie!" I said, and quickly headed over to grab her into a hug, "Hi girly. When did you get here?" I asked her. 

I asked that because Amelie had ultimately been a very busy woman, recently. 

Lord Roberto had abdicated the position of ruler of the North to her, which meant that she didn't get that much travelling time nowadays. 

I was so thankful to see her, though. 

"Last night. It's so good to see you, Trixie, and to know that your new baby is doing well, too, of course," she beamed. 

"Thank you," I replied. 

"Of course!" she said, giving my hand a gentle, but reassuring, squeeze. 

It was great to have my friend back in my life again, even if it would only be for a moment. 

Nathan stepped into the nursery for a moment, and then reemerged with Natalia in his arms. 

"Everything okay?" he asked. 

I moved over to him to place a kiss upon his cheek, then. 

"Yeah, everything is fine, darling," I replied. 

" extra pregnancies or anything I should know about?" he asked with a chuckle, as his gaze moved to Amelie. 

"No, no," she quickly answered. 

"There is something that you should know about, though," Piper said, then, as she walked down the hall to take Amelie's hand in her own, "I'm going to go with Amelie to the north, for some time," she stated. 

I felt my eyes widen in my own surprise. 

"You're going to be leaving?" I asked her. 

"Hey," Piper said, as she took my hand in hers for a moment, then, "Only for a bit. I really want to be with Amelie, Trix. I hope you understand," she stated. 

I grinned as I looked between the two of them. 

"Of course I do, Pipes! I'm so happy for you," I replied. 

She beamed in return. 

"Glad you do," she said. 

"Hey, everything okay?" Jack asked, as he moved towards us all. 

"All good," I replied. 

He nodded, with a sweet smile upon his face. 

"Hey, Trixie, could I have a moment?" he asked. 

I murmured in agreement. 

The two of us headed away for a moment, and he smiled towards me then, as he appeared to think about what he wanted to say, and moved a hand through his dark hair as he did so. 

"I want to ask Chelsea to be my girlfriend," he stated, then. 

"That's not already a thing that's happened?" I asked then, with a gentle laugh of amusement. 

Jack just met me with a serious expression. 

"Sorry," I said quickly. 

"No, you're fine," he said, "I just believe this is something that I'd like to do," Jack stated decisively. 

"Then you should know that I wholeheartedly support you, Jack. Of course, I do. Just wait, find the right moment, and then ask her when it feels right," I said to him, "She's going to say yes, Jack. I have a good feeling about this one," I said. 

He smiled back at me, at that. 

"I'm glad to hear it, Trixie. Thank you," he replied. 

Nathan soon walked towards us, then, Natalia still in his arms. 

"I'll give you two a moment," Jack said, as he headed away once more. 

Nathan took one of my hands in his and smiled contentedly. 

"You okay?" he asked. 

"I am indeed," I replied. 

"Is Jack alright?" he asked then. 

"Yes, he just needed some advice with something," I replied. 

Nathan gave a nod. 

"Okay, good," he said. 

"So, anything on your mind?" I asked him. 

Nathan gave a slight shake of his head at that question. 

"Just you," he said. 

"Hmm, well, makes sense. I am pretty great," I said, with amusement. 

"I love you, Trixie," he said, then, "And I know that we're going to be more than okay. The future looks bright," he said. 

"I love you too, Nate, and I would have to agree," I replied, beaming back at him. 

We stood there, comforted in the light of our palace, surrounded by the people that we loved more than anything in the world. At peace at last. 

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