Chapter Twenty-Nine

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July 2221 

"Nathan, will you please just talk to me? It's been a week," I said to him, as I tried to get his attention in the dining hall, a week after Camelot had made the mistake, at least in Nathan's eyes, of kissing me. 

"I'm confused," Jack blurted. 

"You're not the only one," Nathan replied. 

"Hello?" I asked then. 

Nathan turned to me, then, and his jaw set. 

"I don't know what you want me to say," he said. 

Chelsea began to walk over to our table, then, and sat beside me. 

"I don't know, Nathan, I just don't think Trixie was stood there asking Camelot to kiss her, exactly," Chelsea said. 

Nathan sighed, and then met my gaze with a hint of an apologetic look, within them. 

"Right, Trixie?" Chelsea turned to me, then. 

"I don't really know what happened," I sighed, and then felt my face tense up a little, as my baby warrior made a harsh kick against my body, again. 

So, yep, I was still pregnant, but my due date was soon, soon, soon, and it was suffice to say that I was scared, scared, scared. 

Fortunately, Chelsea had been incredibly supportive while Nathan and I had this weird disagreement going on between the two of us. 

Piper, now with pink hair, soon entered the hall and sat down opposite me, in between Nathan and Jack, who just looked towards her momentarily. 

Piper dipped some of the chips she had got from the main kitchen in ketchup, and then turned to Nathan after finishing a bite. 

"Look, dude, I think you just need to forgive her, now," she said, "Trixie never meant for the kiss to happen, and that's that," she added. 

Nathan sighed. 

"I just-" 

"You just nothing. Why are you so jealous, anyway? 'Cause like, I understand that she's carrying your baby and everything..." Piper trailed off, as she popped a chip into her mouth, and Nathan waited patiently for her to finish eating it, before she continued, "But she's not your property," she said then, "So, just help me understand," she said. 

"It just took me by surprise. I don't want other people kissing Trixie right now," he said. 

"Right now? So, you will in the future? Oooh, Jack, you may be in with a shot," Piper said then, directing a wink Jack's way. 

He just gave a shake of his head, then, in subtle disbelief. 

"I'm just saying," Piper said, passing Chelsea a few chips, too. 

Piper looked towards her, then, and Chelsea met her gaze with a look of curiosity clear in her eyes. 

"Chelsea agrees with me, too. Don't you, Chelsea?" she asked then. 

"Huh?" Chelsea asked, probably lost in the delicious taste of the chip she had just placed into her mouth, "Oh yeah, totally. I completely agree with Piper, here, Nathan. You're being a dick," she added. 

Piper gave a gentle laugh, then. 

"And what she actually means by that you see is-" 

"He's being a dick?" Chelsea asked, again. 

I just shot her a warning look. 

Seriously, couldn't get the staff these days even if you tried. 

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