Chapter Six

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One week later.

A week had passed before I felt it time to tell my friends and family my decision.

It had been nice to see my friends again at my mother's arranged meeting a week back. However, they had understandably enough all been surprised by the fact that I was pregnant.

I think we all believed that Maggie would end up pregnant first, but it really hadn't ended up that way, huh?

I was regally screwed, but I had to put that thought to the back of my mind for now.

"So..." Chelsea trailed off, as she sat beside me in the living room, "What are you going to do, if you've made your mind up, that is?" she asked.

"I'm keeping the baby," I blurted.

Chelsea's eyes widened a little, but then she broke into a smile and swiftly pulled me into a hug.

"That's amazing, Trixie!" she said in happiness.

Well, I was just glad that someone was happy about my situation, because I was quite frankly terrified.

"You think so?" I asked.

"Duh! It means I get to be the cool auntie," she stated.

I just smirked at that.

Piper soon wandered into the room, styling her dark hair into a braid.

"What's going on in here?" she inquired.

"I'm keeping the baby," I told her.

She finished her braid so she could meet my gaze.

"Oh man, good luck Trix," she said.

I just chuckled.

"Thanks," I said.

I moved a hand through my own hair and came to the realisation that I was going to have to cut it at some point. It was growing much more quickly than I had thought. I wondered if this was some sort of side effect to the pregnancy. It could be.

My life was beginning to get incredibly more complicated than I had ever thought it would a year ago.

However, I hadn't ever expected to have a one night stand in my life. Stranger things had happened.

Now, here I was making a completely life altering decision.

At least I had my best friend and sister by my side throughout this whole crazy process.

I mean, even I couldn't believe that I was actually doing this. That I was actually going to have a baby.

It felt so surreal.

The next step, of course, was to tell the parents.

My mother soon entered the room, and I took a deep breath.

"Everything okay?" she asked.

"I've made my decision," I let her know.

It was my mother's turn to take a deep breath.

"What's your decision?" she asked.

"I'm keeping this baby, mum," I said decisively.

Her eyes well up with tears, then, and she quickly headed over to wrap her arms around me.

"Okay," she whispered.

"Okay?" I replied.

"Yes, we are going to figure this she thing out. I promise you," she told me.

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