Chapter Ten

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I was awoken the next morning to an attempt from the sun to blind me, as my mother had opened the curtains. 

It was another rainy day, but that much could be expected from the November weather. It was now November 21st, to be precise, and almost exactly one month from the greatest mistake of my life. 

Okay, so perhaps that was a little over-dramatic. 

"Are you ready to go, Trixie?" Tina asked, "Let's get moving," she said. 

I sighed, stretching as I sat up in my bed, and then proceeded to shoo my mother out of my room so that I could get ready for the day. 

I was glad that most of my clothes were still fitting me, but I knew that this was not a matter that would last forever. 


I was still pregnant. 

I wasn't exactly about to take up the king's idea of me terminating the pregnancy any time soon. I had made up my decision about my baby, and I knew that I was going to have the baby, no matter what. 

"Mum, just let me know if I can be any help today. I can drag Trix out of her room if need be," she said, meeting my gaze as I stepped out into the hall in my fluffy white sweater and dark denim jeans. 

The sun had tried to blind me, and now I was facing my sister. 

I wasn't sure if I would make it through the day and be alive on the other side, but I was willing to at least try. 

"How did it go yesterday?" Piper asked me. 

I exhaled in slight anxiety. 

"About as well as could be expected," I said. 

She gave a nod. 

"Well, at least they didn't say 'off with her head!'," she said. 

I sighed. 

"Yeah. Miracles really do happen every day, huh?" I asked sardonically as I walked past her on my way towards the kitchen. 

Perhaps I was just hangry. 


That would be it. 

My stomach grumbled, so I grabbed myself some eggs out of the fridge and got to work on frying them. 

"You gonna make anything for me?" Piper asked. 

I released a gentle laugh. 

"Okay," I replied. 

She kissed my cheek quickly before heading into the dining room. 

"Always so reliable!" she called back to me. 

Yeah, I suppose you could say that. 

Recently, however, I hadn't been the most reliable person in the world. That much could be said. 

I continued to cook until the food was all ready, and I tied my hair back as to save myself from getting any egg in it. 

"These are perfect, you babe!" she grinned. 

"I try," I told Piper. 

She smirked. 

"Best chef. Maybe you should just become a were wrong about the writing thing. That career was all wrong for you," she stated. 

I exhaled. 

"Sure it was," I replied. 

She smiled. 

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