Chapter 1 - Sharingan

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My fifth anniversary since ending up in Naruto. My brother and I's fifth birthday just passed. To celebrate, I trained my ass off as usual. Having just finished training with my father and Itachi, I decided to walk around the village for a while to clear my mind. Itachi was training me on shuriken Jutsu and I finally managed to hit the target behind the rock, on top of that, my father finally decided to teach me the Uchiha's Fireball Jutsu and I got it first try. My father said that I was more like Itachi than Sasuke, despite the fact we were twins. I knew he was proud of me.

Though my muscles were begging for relief after training, against my better judgement, I decided to walk around the village. While walking through my favourite passageway I saw three unfamiliar kids, they looked around ten years old, beating up a boy around my age. Being the curious cat I am, I walked over to the scene.

"Hey, if you don't mind me asking, why are you attacking him? It seems very one-sided is all," I say in my normal, monotoned, voice. The three look my way and they put on a sinister smile.

"Why? D'you wanna get pulverised too, little girlie?" The tallest one, I'm assuming the 'leader', said.

"Not necessarily. Are you going to answer my question or not?" I spoke, silently pondering on why they thought they were so strong when it took three of them to harass a child half their age.

"YOU IDIOT STOP BEING SO DAMN CALM I'LL BEAT YOU SO BAD!" The boy ran over to me aggression clear in both his tone and physique, I stood still. His presence wasn't intimidating, far from it actually. He went to swing his fist at me but I stepped to the side, he missed and fell on his face. You heard the blonde boy giggle.

"H-HEY W-WHATS YOUR NAME?" One of the tall guy's sidekicks asked.

"I believe it's common courtesy to state your name before asking someone else's," The boy had an enraged expression written on his face after my oh-so-devious respone, he picked up a rock and threw it in my direction. I had my hand up ready to catch the small, yet weighty, rock. To my dismay, the blonde boy I was aiming to protect ran in front of me and the rock hit him square in the forehead, he toppled backwards and fell unconscious. The rock wasn't very big so I guessed his overdramatised reaction was from the previous beating he took from the oversized toddlers.

I stood and watched his inanimate figure as rage flew through my body, the non-sensical world I used to live in pales in comparison to this one.

Thousands of questions whizzed through my head, rage and confusion pooled inside of me. A stinging sensation forming in my eyes, I ignored it at first, but then I felt warm liquid dripping from my face. Tears? No, too warm to be tears, it was blood. Crimson blood dripping from my eyes. I looked back up towards the one who threw the rock at blondie, my eyebrows furrowed with clear malice he squealed in fear as he saw my eyes.

"S-SHE'S AN UCHIHA! S-SHARINGAN!" After he piped that out he grabbed his cowardly friends and ran off.

I looked down at the blondie, de-activating my Sharingan, the blood beginning to solidify on my blank face. I picked him up bridal style and carried him to the hospital. I told the nurses that he got hurt while we were playing tag, I don't think they believed me, but they went with it anyways. Not once stopping to question why I had blood on my face.

The blondie, who I knew as Naruto, was placed in a small hospital room. I creaked open the door and saw him lying on the bed. Thankfully, he had now regained consciousness. Before I decided to talk to Naruto I looked behind my shoulder, I had a strange feeling someone had been watching Naruto and I while I was having a 'chat' with the three asshats earlier. I brushed it off when I saw that nothing was there. However, the feeling still lingered.

"Hey, are you feeling any better?" I asked Naruto, he looked shocked and confused at first, but he quickly put on his signature grin.

"Yup! I'm fine now thanks to you!" He said giggling a bit. It was cute seeing him so happy, it made me want to smile and laugh along with him, but I felt the need to maintain a straight face.

"So what's your name?" He asked, practically jumping in excitement. "Mine's Uzumaki Naruto! Remember it! Cus' I'm gonna be the Hokage one day, believe it!" He continued, his signature line slipping out of his mouth, it was different hearing it in person than in the show, it was sweeter, more sincere.

"My name is Y/N, Y/N Uchiha. It's a pleasure to meet you, Naruto Uzumaki." He smiled and looked out the window.

"Why'd you come and help me. You could have just left." He looked isolated, alone yet the incessant smile was still not wiped from his face. I felt bad, but I couldn't get close to him yet.

"I couldn't just leave someone who needs help, especially if they're a member of the leaf like I am." I said, going to sit down next to him.

"Well, I appreciate your help Y/N! And to pay you back I can treat you to ramen!" He smiled and looked at me, his innocent demeanour wearing away at my emotionless face. A small smile appeared on my lips.

"How about you be my friend instead? I would hate to spoil your meal time." I offer, I really wanted to get ramen with Naruto, but I needed to tell father that I awakened my Sharingan.

Naruto looked at me, he was shocked, and it was written all over his face. "Y-Yeah! Y/N! My friend!" He smiled wider than I'd ever seen before.

"Well, Naruto, it was nice meeting you, but I have to go. I'll see you around." I smiled and walked out the door, heading home to greet my father with pleasant news.

The irking feeling I had of eyes peering on me had thankfully stopped as I left Naruto alone. Little did I know, the 'watchful eye' I was sensing earlier was the Third Hokage's telescope Jutsu, he saw me defending Naruto outside and wanted to watch how things progressed.

I started walking home, and when I arrived I saw Itachi outside, talking with Shisui.

"Good evening, Itachi, Shisui, it's good to see you." I smile at them both.

"Ah, hey Y/N!" Shisui greets me, Itachi smiles and waves.

"I have really cool news!! I awakened my Sharingan today!" I boasted to them, they both looked at me shocked. Everyone knew I was a prodigy, but to awaken your Sharingan at this age was practically unheard of.

"Y/N that's amazing!" Shisui engulfed me in a hug while Itachi still couldn't comprehend what I had said.

"You should tell father when we have dinner, I'm sure he'll be proud of you," Itachi smiled as Shisui let me down. I smiled at them both and then walked into the house.

I saw mother getting the food ready and I decided to help her.

Once the food was ready we all sat down at the table, father started the conversation.

"Itachi told me that you had something to tell us, Y/N" He spoke, looking at me.

"Yeah! I got my Sharingan today!" Everyone, other than Itachi of course, was completely shocked.

"That's my girl," Father said and smiled, the rest of the night was spent with idle chit-chat and jokes. It was nice to see everyone smiling.

A/N - Thank you for reading Chapter 1 of Uchiha Twins :)

If you have any feedback or notice any grammar errors please tell me.

Word Count: 1351


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