Chapter 8 - A new mission

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In a few days I would turn 7. In a few days Sasuke would enter the academy. Today I got a new mission from Danzo.

Itachi and I were summoned to Danzo's office in the Foundation, we both had a hunch on what was going to happen.

For the past few months I had been in the ANBU I earned myself a reputation. I was worth 50 million Ryou, Itachi's bounty being just a bit higher than mine. In the bingo book I was referred to as 'The Black Cat', the name was based off of my appearance and my ability. My cat like mask and my solid black hair, and my agility which was often compared to a cat's.

I had also mastered the Flying Raijin Jutsu and Kakashi's Jutsu, Chidori. My chakra stores had increased a lot, so I made a third one on my forehead. These earned me a decent reputation.

Once we had reached Danzo's office, he brought us to a small paved area outside.

"I would like to offer you a proposition," He started.

"I'm sure you know of the Coup D'etat the Uchiha clan is currently planning. If this goes through there will be a civil war, many of the Uchiha and Konoha's Shinobi will perish." He looked Itachi in the eyes.

"The Coup D'etat will fail, you already know this don't you? If it fails, the Uchiha will be executed. That includes your precious brother Sasuke doesn't it?" He gave an evil smirk to Itachi and I.

"So what's the proposition?" I rudely butted in.

"Well, if you slaughter the Uchiha clan, I'll let Sasuke live. Obviously, the two of you will be branded as rogue shinobi and you'll be banned from the village. So what do you say?" Itachi looked at me, practically begging me to answer for him. I'd never seen him so distressed before.

"I'll do it. Itachi?" I asked him. He let out a heavy sigh.

"I'll be her accomplice," He was boiling with rage, but kept his calm demeanour.

Danzo looked pleased, he told us to do it on Sasuke's first day at the academy.

Itachi and I walked into the compound, Shisui was there waiting for us. He had one of his hands covering his eye, he saw us and waved with a sad smile.

I knew what was about to happen, and I wasn't prepared.

Shisui walked with us to an isolated location, a cliff.

"Itachi, Y/N. There's no way to stop the coup the Uchiha are planning." He started, trying to keep his smile on his face.

"I wanted to use kotoamatsukami, but Danzo took my right eye and he plans to take my left. You're the only people I trust, please protect the village and the Uchiha name. I want you to take my left eye, store it somewhere, and prevent Danzo from getting it," He looked up at us, gouged out his eye and gave it to Itachi.

"I'm going to, how do I say this..." He pindered for a moment, I knew what was coming and tears started to form in the corner of my eyes. Shisui was one of the most wholehearted people I'd ever met, he didn't deserve to suffer this fate.

Despite the tears pooling in my eyes he continued "I'll end myself and my legacy, to prevent Danzo from getting information," he chuckled sadly.

"Shisui-" Itachi was cut off by Shisui.

"Don't make this harder than it already is for me, take care of Y/N and Sasuke for me. I'll miss you all greatly." Shisui had a pained expression.

A sad smile formed on his face, "Don't miss me too much, Y/N, Itachi, you're the closest thing to true family I will ever have and I treasure you greatly for that" He fought off the liquid that threatened to spill out of his eye.

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