Chapter 5 - Forest of Death

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After Anko's unnecessarily drastic entrance, the remaining participants made their way to the forest of death.

Akame, Daichi and I lined up outside of entrance 14, earlier we picked up the heaven scroll, meaning that we had to get the earth scroll.

The gates opened and per my previous instructions, my team rushed in the direction of the tower, covering as much ground as possible. We had been running for around three hours when I saw a lake nearby, I figured it would be a good time to take a break and replenish our supplies.

After setting up a small camp - consisting of three beds, a campfire, and our supplies - Daichi and I caught some fish for us to eat, while Akame gathered edible herbs.

A scream came from Akame's direction, Daichi and I immediately ran over to her. We encountered Akame fighting three other genins, she looked like she was struggling quite a bit.

"ARE YOU GONNA HELP OR JUST SIT THERE AND WATCH?" She practically screamed. Daichi chuckled and ran in to help her.

Akame was using her katana to defend herself from a barrage of shuriken that were being thrown, I jumped up into the air and threw three kunai at the stream of shuriken. With that, I managed to knock all of the shuriken off course while sending two kunai to the enemies head.

One of the opponent's teammates saw this and quickly made an earth-style wall, a weak one at that, Daichi ran up to the wall and smashed it with a chakra infused punch.

Akame had moved up into the trees when I was throwing my kunai earlier. After seeing an opportunity to strike, she threw three senbon at the opponent's necks. This effectively knocked them out, they would be out of commission for a week or so.

Each one of us searched through the pockets of an enemy, trying to find their scroll. We also replenished our weapon supply by taking some of theirs.

Daichi squealed in excitement when he found the scroll, he pulled it out from the pocket it was being held in and I pulled out our scroll.

We now had both scrolls, honestly, we were quite lucky to get them so early. The three of us quickly went back to camp and prepared a quick meal.

"Hey Y/N, you don't talk very much." Akame pointed out. Using the Uchiha's famous catchphrase, I replied.

"Hn," Daichi and Akame sweatdropped at my comment and continued eating.

After everyone finished eating we split up the scrolls, Akame had the earth scroll and I had the Heaven scroll.

"We should sort a sleep schedule," Akame said, Daichi and I agreeing.

"I'll take the first watch, Daichi second, Akame third. Wake everyone up if anything happens," I was never a person that could sleep early, judging by the position of the moon it was around 8/9 pm, so I figured I would let my tired comrades sleep.

Not much happened during my watch, to nullify the boredom I was feeling I decided to infuse more chakra into my palms. You can never be too cautious right?

Obviously doing so did drain my chakra quite a bit, but it wasn't so much that it was fatal.

The diamonds were steadily growing in size, which pleased me a lot. After a few hours, I decided to wake Daichi and tell him to take watch.

I walked over to where he was sleeping and gently shook his shoulder.

"Daichi, wake up, its time to take watch," I said in a soft tone, trying not to wake Akame.

Daichi, being the big oaf he is, continued snoring. Losing patience, I karate chopped him on the head. He woke up in a panicked state, he quickly calmed down when he realised it was me.

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