Chapter 13 - Tunnel Vision

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My arms and legs were littered with needle pricks and small scabs. The stench of dry blood engulfed the room, it clung to my flesh and attire. Itchy flakes of skin were peeling off of me. Leather was constraining my wrists and my ankles, I was strapped to a cold metal chair, lying down in pitch black. Well, not necessarily black.

It looked like nothingness, not black, not white, blue nor green, just an empty void. I felt encased in this meaningless curiosity of what I was, or what I was not, seeing.

Captured by the entrancement of my own thoughts, I almost didn't notice the stone-cold hand roughly wrapping itself over my upper arm.

My body howled in defiance; a needle plunged into my lifeless flesh. Poisonous liquid inched through my veins, the torture and agony of the malicious liquid tormented me for hours.

"I see you're awake," The sickly voice muttered.

"How rude of you to interrupt my slumber, Kabuto." I seethed.

"Just be thankful you're not dead, yet," He mumbled as sounds of metal clanging filled the cold room.

The slow creaking of a wooden door could be heard, it was a feint sound. I shifted my arm up and down, feeling uncomfortable from the injection.

"Kabuto," I began.

"Yes Y/N?" He replied, occupied with something else.

"Would you mind telling me what you've injected into me?" I questioned, shifting once more.

"Snake poisons," His condescending voice angered me.

Light footsteps, the quiet rustling of clothing, it sounded like someone around 5'6.

"Sasuke, how're you finding your new eyes?" Kabuto questioned.

"Good, are we doing her too or just me?" Sasuke sat down on a chair in the corner of the room, watching Kabuto work.

"Lord Orochimaru wants me to do her eyes as well, much to my dismay," You could practically hear Kabuto's frown.

"Have you already transplanted them?" Light footsteps once again padded toward me.

"Yes I have, however I believe she's still experiencing the blindness," I interrupted before he could finish his sentence.

"Probably from all that poison you injected into me," I smirked, Kabuto clicked his tongue and ignored me.

My vision, though still patchy with black spots, was slowly returning to me. It wasn't blurry like before, I'm guessing Kabuto transplanted my eyes into Sasuke, and his eyes into me.

With Sasuke and I now possessing the eternal sharingan we were both practically invincible.

"I'm going to check on Orochimaru, his vessel is weak at the moment, take care of my sister." Sasuke said as he closed the door.

"Y/N, I'm going to fetch Lord Orochimaru's medicine, don't die," I snickered as he left the room.

I looked to my left and I saw my two swords, tantalising me. I noticed that one of the straps on my wrists was loose, I squeezed my hand through the small gap and fought to unstrap the other leather confinements.

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