Chapter 9 - Princess

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A/N - If you didn't watch the fillers you probably won't know this, but Hidan didn't join the Akatsuki until later on. I couldn't find Kakuzu's original partners name so I made it up, I hope you don't mind :) Also this will probably be the last update before I go back to school, which unfortunately means updates will slow down even more.

"You must be Itachi and Y/N, welcome to the Akatsuki," Pain started.

"Tobi is a good boy! Tobi brought new members!" Itachi and I ignored him.

"Here are your rings, do not lose them. They are proof of your Akatsuki membership." Itachi was handed a red ring with the kanji for scarlet on it (朱). I was handed a light blue ring with the kanji for light on it (光).

"In addition, if you ever leave the base - whether it be a mission or just an errand - you must wear one of these cloaks," Pain handed us the signature Akatsuki cloaks, mine was a little big on me.

"I will show you around the base now, please try to remember your way around," Konan spoke as she led us through a small hallway.

The hallway was dimly lit, our footsteps echoed throughout the cold metal walls. There was a small metal door at the end, Konan creaked it open and a bright light flooded the dark hallway.

My eyes quickly adjusted and through the door I saw a gathering of members. It was a small common room, two average sized couches, a coffee table, and a large bookshelf attached to the wall. The furthest couch from us was pushed up against the back wall, the other couch placed to the right of it, they formed an L shape. The coffee table was placed between the two couches and the bookshelf was on the left side of the room. There was a large archway which connected to the kitchen, another archway which looked like it connected to the bedrooms and a door to the training grounds. I assumed the bathrooms would be connected to the bedrooms.

At the end of the hallway leading to the bedrooms there was a staircase, I assumed it led to Pain's office.

Konan showed Itachi and I to our rooms and told us to quickly get settled in before she tested our abilities.

I guessed that she was sceptical that I actually took part in the massacre, I mean what kind of seven year old murders an entire clan?

I packed the few clothes I had into the drawers and put on my Akatsuki ring, I wore it on my right ring finger. I changed into new training clothes and headed for the common room, a few of the members introduced themselves.

"Hello, Y/N, your eyes are gorgeous." Orochimaru spoke first.

"What's a kid doing here?" Sasori complained.

"Be quiet, I'm working out the budget for this month," Kakuzu mumbled.

"Kakuzu! You're always so harsh! Loosen up buddy! Hey, I'm Jurou!" He held his hand out for me to shake, I ignored his gesture.

"Y/N" I mumbled, moving away from him. He gave me the creeps. I walked over to Orochimaru. Jurou looked pissed off.

"If Im not wrong you're Orochimaru, on of the legendary sannin. It's an honour to be in your presence," I spoke formally to him.

"You treat me too well dear Y/N, I am merely a member of the Akatsuki," He smirked, licking his lips.

At that moment, Konan and Itachi walked in. She motioned for me to follow her, and so I did. We walked over to the training grounds, soon the other members began piling into the large space.

The training grounds were outside, but I assumed they were protected from outside eyes by some sort of jutsu.

"You will face of against all the members except for Pain and I. If you don't die fighting them then you will be accepted into the Akatsuki," Itachi and I merely nodded our heads.

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