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When Romano went back to work. She was 35 weeks and had to stay back with Garcia. They were in Garcia's room when she asked "Is Reid ever gonna propose?" "I have no idea. I hope so." She laughed. "I'm sure when he does it will be magical." They both laughed.

The team came home. "I need some drinks." Morgan said. "My friend works at that Marine bar. Tell her you're friends with me and you got free drinks" Romano said. "Okay." The team put up their stuff. Romano stayed behind, Reid went up to her. "What are you doing?" "I'm not going to the bar. I'm pregnant, I haven't been there in a while. Do you know how many people are gonna scream when I walk in?" She laughed. "Please come." He grabbed her hand and pulled her. "Fine. But I have to help Sabrina with homework." "How many phd's do you have? Just one?" He said. "You know what doctor?" "What?" He laughed and kissed her.

"I'll go but only for you." She laughed.

The team walked into the bar. When Romano everyone screamed and yelled and hugged her. "Someones popular" Morgan said laughing. "Shut up!" Romano said. She was sitting with Reid when one of her friends pulled her onto the dance floor. While she was dancing a guy grabbed her arm. She pulled it back. He grabbed it again. Romano looked at him, she was in shock. "Get off of me" she said sternly. "No." She turned her belly to him in hopes he would freak out and run, but he didn't.

"Let go of her!" Her friend said. Her friend who was her partner in the Marines grabbed his arm, he went to punch her. She moved out of the way, he punched Morgan. Morgan turned around and saw he was holding on to Romano. "Hey let go of her." He said. Morgan saw her face, she was on the verge of tears. "No." He went to punch Morgan again. Romano grabbed his arm and twisted him. "Leave him alone." She said.

"How about I go see that boyfriend of yours?" She broke his arm and kicked him. "Don't even think about it." She said. He backed away. Morgan and Romano's friend took her to a table. "You okay?" Morgan asked. "Y-yea." She looked down. "Was that?" Morgan asked. "Yea, the man who raped her." Her friend answered. Morgan stood up. "Morgan don't." She said. "No I'm gonna get that son of a bitch." "You think I haven't tried. Morgan there is nothing we can do, his daddy will just pay it off." Morgan sighed and sat down.

"Are you okay? He punched you" she asked. "I've had worse, you know that." Morgan grabbed her hand. They smiled at each other. Reid came over. "Hey what happened?" He asked. Morgan explained, Reid stood up but Morgan had him sit back down. Morgan and her friend left the table. "I'm sorry I wasn't there." He said. "Spencer, it's fine. He's gone okay? It's fine." They hugged.

Reid went to the bar. Romano friend took her back into the dance floor. She saw him and he looked away. A woman walked up to him, and put her hand on his thigh. "Haven't see you in a couple years. You wanna try again?" The woman asked. He shoved her hand off, she put it back on. Romano walked over to him. "Come on let's go" she groaned. The woman grabbed her arm. "He's back in town, there is no way I'm letting you have him." Romano rolled her head back. "He doesn't want you" she laughed.

The woman went to punch her in the face but Romano took her arm, twisted it, and slammed her on the bar, then cuffed her. "Come on. Why do you keep coming back?" Romano laughed. The woman saw she was pregnant, then looked at Reid. "You bitch he was mine." "Whatever helps you sleep at night." Morgan took her outside. Romano sat down next to Reid. "You know this is not at all how I wanted the night to go" he grabbed her hand to help her out of her seat. He took her to the middle of the dance floor.

They were dancing when he stopped and got on one knee. Everyone went "aawww" "When I saw you at this bar, the first thought went through my mind was 'Thats the most beautiful girl in the world' So Caroline Romano, Will you marry me?" He said with a smile. "Yes. Doctor!" Everyone clapped. He kissed her. They put the ring on "Spencer I love you." "Caroline I love you." They got off the dance floor and went to the team. The girls huddled around the ring.

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