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The team met in the conference room. "There have been murders in New York." Garcia said. "What's that carved on their wrists?" Romano asked. "Well GP, they are notes. In another language." Garcia answered. "Italian" Rossi said. "Non scherzare con noi." Romano said. "What?" Morgan said. "It means 'Dont mess with us' in Italian." Romano finished. "Mafia?" JJ asked . "Maybe" Rossi answered. "Okay brief us on the plane, if this part of the Mafia, they won't stop. Wheels up in 20" Hotch said.

Everyone got up, JJ went to Romano. "So how's Wyatt?" She asked. "Good, which reminds me I need to call Rachel." Romano said. "Who's Rachel?" JJ asked. "She's a girl, she does online college courses. Whenever me and he doctor are gone, we have her take care of him." She answered. "What about Sabrina?" "Well, Sabrina just started volleyball. She won't be home as much either." Romano said. Reid joined in. "Yea you know she got her scholarship off of volleyball?" He said. "Really?" JJ said. "Yes, I don't want to talk about it." Romano said.

They got on the jet. "I want to say this is Mafia but, it doesn't seem Mafia type." Rossi said. "Yea, like maybe someone who was kicked out, or couldn't get in." Romano added. "How do you know so much about the Italian Mafia?" Morgan asked. "I have my ways" she smiled. They finished briefing when JJ turned to Romano and said "So volleyball? Why don't you want to talk about it?" "Volleyball? Who played volleyball?" Morgan asked. "She got scholarship off of it" Reid pointed to Romano.

"Oouu, Romano in spandex" Morgan smiled. "Morgan!" Romano laughed and sighed. "What?" He said. Garcia beeped in. "You know Romano got her scholarship off of volleyball?" Morgan asked Garcia. "Yea. She was the best of the best. Team captain, MVP, she got awards and everything. Even in college she was the best." Garcia said. "Why is that so bad?" JJ said. "I was a 14 old freshmen in college, playing volleyball." Romano said getting up to get water. "Just imagine her senior year" Morgan said. Romano smacked the back of his head.

"Ow!" "Oh my bad" the team laughed.

They got to the police station, "Romano and Reid go to the restaurant." Hotch said. It was a Mafia restaurant. They got there, before they got out of the car. "Doctor?" "Yea?" "Hide your gun, and don't show your badge." She said. Romano made him change, she changed too. "Remind me, why do we have to wear this?" He asked. "Oh sweetie, if we wore what we were wearing we would have been shot dead. Now follow my lead and don't talk." She grabbed his hand. "Why can't I talk?" He asked. "Do you know Italian?" She asked. "No." "There you go."

They walked in and got seated. The waiter asked "Vuoi qualcosa de bere?" would you like something to drink. "Solo due acque per favore." Romano answered. just two waters please. "Prossimamente." The waiter said back. coming soon. The waiter walked away. "He's getting us waters." She said. "So who you think we can talk to?" He asked. "The waiter is a bit shaky, probably him." The waiter came back.
"Cosa vorresti mangiare?" what would you like to eat?. "La pasta va bene?" pasta is fine. She smiled. "Sì signora." yes madam.

He walked away. "We getting pasta" she smiled. "Pasta?" Reid asked. "We don't have time for a menu."

A little bit later. The waiter came with one order of pasta. "Ecco qua" here it is. The waiter put the plate down and pointed to Reid. "Non parla?" does not speak? Romano said to the waiter "è sordo." he is deaf. The waiter smiled and said "Digli che mi dispiace." tell him I'm sorry. The waiter patted Reid on the back and walked away. "What did you tell him?" He asked. "I told him that you were deaf" she laughed. "Why?" He smiled. "You can't speak Italian. So why not?" They laughed.

When they finished the waiter took the plates and money. They paid in cash. Before the waiter left she whispered in his ear. "Incontriamoci sul retro, dobbiamo parlare." lets meet out back, we need to talk. The two left and drove the car to the back, he came out with his apron over his head and got in the car. Romano put her jacket over his head from the restaurant to the interrogation room.

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