chapter 5 : New Start

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[Myasha's point of view continued]

Again woke up . ame old morning story like yesterday but today Something changed.

Today I wasn't that disappointed not to be me again.

Maybe that's because the hope in me already died.

Or maybe cuz I am enjoying to be JK.

Whatever the reason , somehow today I had a lot of positive energy in me .

Brushed his teeth or maybe now mine . Showered and changed clothes.

Somehow today I was ready for the new start of life. They say every ending is a new beginning but sometimes we have to make a new beginning in the middle, maybe we cannot afford to finish everything.

I came out , like my mum used to make breakfast for me , now I had another mother making breakfast for me and he was the Mr.wOrLd wIdE HaNdSoMe .

Jin prepares breakfast for us.

We all ate.

When everyone went to living room , while I was  with Jin in the  kitchen/dining area.

Gosh, if Mon ever knew I would get a chance to eat food made by Seokjin, wash dishes with him she would die to be me. She wasn't an akgae, just she didn't love all of them as much as she loved Seokjin romantically.

I wanted to help him clean the table and do the dishes. First he was shocked. He refused to take my help but then I forced to help so he agreed .

We took the dishes from the dining area to the kitchen
Then I told him I wanna do the dishes . He said  was again shocked but this time he didn't refuse I started doing the dishes , his gaze reminded me much of what it may look like if a mom would stare her kid going housework and be proud.

He then left for the living room after a few seconds watching me, as soon as he left Namjoon came almost felt like like he was waiting for Jin to leave.

"Jungkook-ah are you , You or someone else?" He spoke in a very low volume, as if he didn't want others to hear him.

"Take  a guess " I beemed.

He then looked at me for a while doing the dishes perfectly.

"Your still not Jungkook." He said, for a split second I felt like I saw a frown on his face but just like it was an optical illusion , he had a smile again.

"Congrats bro your answer is correct" I said that in a sarcastic tone , why? Cause I can't control my damn sarcasm.

"Hey don't call me bro call me hyung, your kookie now remember. You'll have to call everyone Hyung since you Korean" He informed.

"Ok hyung." I responded. Oppa was a word I said pretty often, I'd be talking to their posters saying oppa, hyung was a words I didn't really use.

Suddenly Namjoon got a call , he went to the balcony to receive the call.

He came back after a while and then started calling everyone.

We all gathered in the living room .

"We have a practice tomorrow, at the usual time" He beemed but his leader side was showing, in a good way. He didn't seem bossy, he seemed responsible.

Everyone nodded and went back to where they were , except Taehyung .

He stared me with bothered an expression.

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