chapter 22 : Do you?

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She is not responding so I smacked her

"Ouch. " She whaled.

"Duh. " I rolled my eyes. Goshhhhh almost thought she died

"Oh your alive.
Talk to me then. "

"Aaaaah I met Jin. " She said.

"It's not the last, we're gonna meet'em again "

" Really."

"The documentary thingy remember. "

"But I am dead already. "

"Then don't go lol"

[ : End of Myeeshas point of view ]


[Namjoons point of view continued : ]

Something was bothering me for the last few day But I didn't know what
It felt like there was a stone over my chest I felt a burden over me .

And now I feel a thousand times lighter as if the burden is gone.

I feel so happy today. Is it because of her ? Yeah, it has to be.

It's the first time I met her. he real her but feels like I knew her more than I know me.

Those chocolate brown eyes Just keep flashing in my mind. Her chubby face
is so cute and even pimples look cute on her.

How her bangs hid her eyebrows. She looked cute but not in a dress-to-impress way but more in a Dress-to-relax way

She wore a brown shirt and black pants. And black and brown are my favorite colors. Did she..Did wore it because..

No no
I am overthinking now

Damn this girl. Why can't I get you outta my brain?

Stob it
Stob it brain


Why did I had to be so loud I am already in the living room. Now they'll think I am crazy , screaming to myself

Who is beside me
Damn It's Jin hyung but nobody except him

"What's wrong boon? Why you screamed? "

"I am not boom I am Joon."

"No you're a baboon now tell me why did you scream? "

"Nothing Hyung, I.... Um... My head was hurting."

"When you spend the whole night in the balconyand wake up at 6 am ,
Do you think your body won't complain "


"What do you do alone in the balcony in night ? Staring at the sky? Your acting weird these days. Is it because of anyou girl ? "

I think about her I try to play all the memories of her in my mind, the kiss , the words, the promises we.... I made.

"Dude you.... Zoned out again..... "

No I didn't I just I am just quiet. Cuz I don't have the answer to your question or maybe I have but I can't answer you

[ : End of Namjoon point of view]


[ Myeeshas point of view continued :]

[ Time jump to the last day of the documentary shoot :]

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