Chapter 7 : Taehyung knows

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He looked like he was all prepared for the practice , in black a Black T-shirt and and grey denim

Omg, why does this guy have to so good. Always so cute and cool.

His eyes were still looking sleepy I didn't notice that he came to sit next, Cuz I was driven in my own thoughts.

When I noticed , he was sitting on the couch next to me . His hands on the table in front of him cupping his face with his hands.

Everyone where getting ready for practice in their own rooms.

While I was sitting next to Namjoon, watching him doze off
like creep. Yeah I am one heck of a creep.

He was looking adorable sleeping on his hands on the table.

Kinda reminds me of me and Mon. Like how we used to go to school early and sleep in the back bench till the math teacher would go out and the bell would ring.

Wow those were days , when I was a kid.

The guy was sleeping like a kid but the other crazy kid came
and screamed on his ears. Taehyung screamed in his ear, it was pretty loud to me so it would've been really painful for Namjoon and his ears.

That's wrong, that's no way to wake someone. He might get a heart attack.

But Namjoon did not get angry on Taehyung . He smiled at him instead, what are you? An Angel?

This guy . He is such a cinnamon roll. Too sweet.


In a jiffy everyone was ready we started for the bighit.


We started to practice. We followed the steps of the choreographer, but he went out pretty quick so Hoseok taught us the rest.

While everyone was dancing like boiled noodles , too flexible and I was dancing like a rolling potato , too stiff.

I used to think my body was stiff that's why I sucked at dancing. But now I am in Jungkooks body and he was a great dancer.

That just explains one thing

Once a potato , Stays a potato no matter where it goes.

My soul is a potato.


The dance was really tiring

At this point I stopped feeling
Feeling my legs , till my feets will go on .

Sweating like I just showered in sweat. Eww that's nasty.

And suddenly I tripped myself and fell , I maybe sprained my left ankle and the other one
The other feet was looking kinda lumpy . It was hurted like hell.

Did I..... Did I just broke my feet?
His feet?

Guilt was bothering me more than the pain. If Jungkook gets his body back, he wouldn't be able to dance again because my useless dumb self broke his feet.

As everyone came two see me . Every one was kinda shocked
cuz Jimin was the clumsy one , Jungkook was never so clumsy.

As everyone looked really, concerned about me.

I was sitting on the floor
Namjoon came closer.

Without any words he
Just took my feet.

"KRR" The sound of breaking came from my bone.

I was biting my hands .Trying to stop my owns scream.

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