Chapter 1 ⚠️

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" I'm the strongest, so I'm going to be the hero! Y/N, you get to be my sidekick and Deku, you're going to be the villain!" Kacchan, my friend Katsuki, shouts. His sharp crimson eyes sparkle, his ash blonde hair bouncing as he strikes a hero pose, hands on his hips in pride.

'Deku' was my other friend. He was a sweet boy named Izuku. His messy green hair and freckles, his big green eyes. He was just precious.
I never understood why Kacchan was always so mean to him. But both were my very best friends, even if the crimson eyed boy was almost always cranky.

We were so little back then...

My dad wakes me up to get ready for school. He's a shorter man with kind eyes, and he's always gentle. Especially since I'm a little snappy when I'm woken up.
I recently manifested my quirk, it seems that I took my mother's, although it's not as drastic as hers. The pupils in my E/C eyes are slitted like a cat's, my canines on both top and bottom have grown to be pointed and sharp, and my nails are stronger and grow a lot faster now. Momma has a tail and ears though, I was jealous I didn't get such cute things. But Momma is still happy we match.
She's always so bubbly and warm. It's easy to make her giggle. Dad is a pretty reserved man, but he's super goofy when it's just us three at home. Always cracking jokes to make us laugh or tickling one of us.

Momma worked a simple cafe job as a hostess while Dad made enough money with his job that we were pretty financially comfortable. He worked in a hospital. I always thought his quirk was so cool. I remember I fell out of a tree once and broke my arm. He cupped my cheeks and looked into my E/C eyes that were filled with tears. "We'll get this fixed right up, but you're gonna have to take a nap first alright?"
I nodded and was suddenly hit with an intense drowsiness. I had the most wonderful dreams, they were happy and warm. When I woke up I was good as new, no pain, I could move my arm like nothing happened. That was his quirk. And thats why he chose to be a doctor. The only things he loved more than helping people were Momma and I.

He picks me up after getting me dressed and ready. I wrap my arms around his neck for a happy hug.
I don't have time to process what's happening as I feel myself hit the floor, pain shooting through my body before I hear the screaming.

I look up to see my Dad's face contorted in terror, his screaming so guttural that you can almost hear his throat tearing. I'm still too stunned to move as I watch him fall to the floor, trembling and scurrying back until he hits the wall behind him with a forceful thud.
Momma dashes in the living room in a panic, not knowing what's going on. She tries to get close to her love, who's screaming incoherently, tears running down his face. She frantically tries to figure out what's wrong, but he just flails at her, pushing her away before he scrambles up and bolts out the door. Momma calls after him, but he's already gone.

She crouches down beside me, trying to soothe me when she notices tears building in my E/C eyes. I was so scared I couldn't move or make a sound. What just happened?
She called the cops, they arrive and she tells them everything she knew. They asked me questions too but I wasn't much help. I was only 4, and I was still in shock.

A few hours later there's a knock at the door, Momma runs to open it. I can't hear what's being said, but it can't be good. She collapses to the floor. Her H/C hair covering her face as pained sobs slip from her lungs.
Two men walk in. One of the cops from earlier, and a man in a flashy outfit. Flashy outfit guy puts gloves on and picks me up. He stares intently into my confused and scared E/C orbs. All of a sudden things get wobbly and start spinning, a throbbing pressure builds in my head, then everything goes black.

I had no idea what was going on...

Since Dad ran away, I've been staying at what Momma says is a daycare. She told me she was leaving for a while, but promised she'd be back soon.
I just nodded "I love you, see you soon Momma," with a smile and a wave.
I was in daycares a lot since both my parents worked. What I didn't know was that I was going to be here for more than just a few hours. I ended up staying here for 3 years. Momma did visit though. Often.
They ran a lot of tests all the time. Nothing harsh, just monitoring things and lots of questions.

I remember panicking when I figured out I wasn't going home that first night. A really kind nurse came in and calmed me down. When I was calm she tried to explain what was happening in the simplest and nicest way possible.
Telling a four year old that her father was dead and that a second quirk the child developed is what caused his death wasn't simple. It's not nice. It had to be done though. She sat with me while I cried and shook until I eventually fell asleep.

I was apparently in a quirk specialists care. There I got therapy for the trauma and learned to control my second quirk safely.
Therapy was intense, but I'm happy I had it. I don't know what would have happened if I hadn't. Not only did it help with the circumstances of my fathers suicide, it also helped me come to terms with the fact that I had a dangerous second quirk.

Just by touching someone, I could cause them to hallucinate their deepest fears so intensely that they can't differentiate it from reality.
The guy in the flashy outfit apparently had a quirk called insight. When they found my dad, his quirk let him figure out exactly what happened. Kind of like looking into the mind of another. He can even get an idea of what another person's quirk is as long as he can hold eye contact.
The side effect the target feels is exhaustion, and with me since I was a child. I had passed out.

Saying things were hard to process would be an understatement. I was so young, and everything was so sudden. I missed home, I missed my parents, I missed my two best friends. I never even got to see them at school.

It took a while, but eventually they said I could leave...

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