Chapter 15

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I was woken up again by nightmares. They weren't as intense as they had been the last couple days, though they were still anxiety inducing. I try to catch my breath and slow down my heart rate and calm the panic back down. A pair of strong, slender arms wrapped around me, gently pulling me into a solid chest.

"Shh... you're alright" he soothingly whispered in my ear. I look up to see Dabi. His eyes were closed as he lazily rubbed small circles on my back while he tried to comfort me.

Snuggling closer into his clothed chest as I relax into him. the smell of firewood and cinnamon filled my senses, 'wow he smells amazing' I think as I relax, basking in the security I'm feeling before My mind inevitably starts to wonder back on the events of last night.

Not only was he not scared at all after everything was said and done, he had been more worried about me. As soon as he knew I was ok, it was like nothing had happened, like he hadn't just seen a nightmarish scene play out in front of him. He was just happy I was ok and then he kissed me.

I could almost still feel the sensation of his rough bottom lip felt on mine, contrasting with his silkily soft top lip. Although I wasn't sure why he'd kissed me. He'd never let on that there was an attraction before, and he's quite the playboy. ' I doubt he meant anything by it...' Feeling tightens at the thought.

Forcing my mind back into more important matters, things just didn't make sense. The experts always told me that my other quirk induced insanity. Yet here he was, just relaxing beside me like literally nothing had happened. Thinking about it though, he'd said he saw his dad and that was it. But it didn't completely make sense, If I remember things right. I should really talk to him about this, just in case he's hiding how he's really been effected by it all.

"What's got you all in a twist, Doll?" Dabi's sleep ridden voice was deep and husky. I could feel it rumble in his chest, sending goosebumps across my skin. I look up and am met with his concerned turquoise gaze. I look back at him, thinking on if I should go ahead and ask or if I should leave it for now. "Y/N, seriously. What has you so spaced and serious. You're never serious" he half jokes, his usual playful smirk dancing across one side of his lips.

I studied his face for another moment before releasing a sigh. "What did you see?" I asked, maintaining eye contact.

His smirk fell. "I already told yo-" I cut him off.

"I feel like there's something you aren't telling me." I say matter of factly, not letting up. "Why were you worried about me being hurt?"

He broke eye contact. "I thought that bastard hit you with his-" I'm right, there is something. So I cut him off again before he could continue his little fib.

"You asked me if you hurt me, a couple times actually" I glared at him, wanting him to understand that I wanted the whole truth. I want to know he's truly alright.

He just huffed a sighed and sat up, running his fingers through his hair. "You aren't going to let this one go huh?" His voice was stained with hope.

I shook my head, earning another tired sigh from him. " Fine, but could we eat first? I'm starving. "

"You mean stalling" I grinned up at him, knowing I'd won.

He just softly chuckled and lightly smacked my face with the pillow he'd slept on, "Yeah that too"


I made pancakes and sausage and we both ate in silence. Both of us lost in our thoughts, trying to process things. He breaks the silence first wanting to just get it over with, recounting everything he'd seen, not leaving anything out this time.

He just stared at his plate, playing with the last bits of food left there. I was piecing things together... and then it really clicked.

Whatever he had gone through with his dad must have been terrible, but it was real. He'd already been through that nightmare and he'd lived through it. It obviously still frightened him, but he knew he could live through it since he already had. Finally understanding what the scars on his body meant. And I wasn't going to press him on the details. But that also means...

"So you're seriously that scared of hurting me?" I hadn't quite meant to ask out loud, but there we go I guess. I looked up to see him already watching me. There was a new expression I've never seen before covering his face. Confusion maybe? I'm not sure. Whatever it was, he seemed deeply conflicted and a little lost.

"I... suppose so" was all he said as I saw a glint of worry flash through his eyes for a split second before going stoic again and turning his attention to the tv in front of us.

Trying to lift the tension a bit, I reach across the couch and poke his cheek. "Since you're already here" I start "and from what I've noticed. You don't have any friends other than myself..." I joke playfully, seeing a small smirk tug at his lips. "Wanna spend the rest of the day with lovely little me?"

His smirk grew to a genuine smile. A rare sight on the usually apathetic features of the man. He pulled me across the couch and into a hug. His lips met my forehead before nuzzling his face into the crook of my neck, sending light goosebumps down my back as I try to still my racing heartbeat.

"I planned to, for the next couple days actually. Till you could at least get ahold of your doc." His breath tickled my neck as my hand reflexively moved to comb through his hair, which was way softer than it looked. He let out a relaxed sigh before continuing,"I know from experience that you don't just have a breakdown like that and then everything is fine a few hours later... And I know how much I'd wished someone had been around for me..." his last sentence was nothing more than a whisper, but I'd heard it.

I felt a twinge in my chest as it tightened. 'He's been through so much, and he genuinely wants to make sure I'm going to be alright. He  does care.'

Just then a flash of ash blonde and crimson fluttered through my mind. I force myself to mentally shake it. My therapist always reminded me to not compare new people that come into my life to him and my former friends. She told me that not everyone would be 'immature little insects" like the majority of those at U.A. Had been. She'd drilled it into me seeing how broken my trust had been after everything.

Dabi hadn't looked at me the way anyone else had that found out. If anything, he reacted the same way Izuku had. He was concerned, worried, but mostly just relieved that I was alright. He even looked me straight in the eyes and told me, earnestly, that I wasn't a monster. I should try, he's already done so much for me. He's given me no reason not to trust him.

And with that, I felt myself push through, out of the dark abyss I'd slipped back into over the last few days. I felt like I could completely breathe again. And I squeezed him tight, burying my face into the crook of his neck as I fought back tears. The rough texture of his scarred skin there bringing an odd sense of security and comfort.

"Thank you... so, so much, Dabi..."

Not a Monster (Dabi x Reader)*COMPLETED*Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat