Chapter 4 ⚠️

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   We both got accepted into U.A. University after high school. He got into the hero program easily, while I was aiming for general studies. He had asked me why I didn't want to go for the hero program too, since he was impressed with my combat skills, especially since I didn't have a combat quirk.
   I told him it was simply because I just wanted to be a teacher. Which was half the truth. The other half was because I couldn't. The government wouldn't let me with my second quirk. It was too big of a risk to civilians if I lost control.
   By the look on his face I could tell he knew I was hiding something.

Things started to change after that...

   He'd been distant for a while now. We had an apartment together, but I rarely ever saw him. He always said it was hero training. He was snappier than usual too, he'd stopped smiling at me even when it was just us at home. I figured it was just stress from the program. I knew it was rough stuff.

   I had finally had enough though and forced him into talking about it. "I don't know, YOU'RE the one with the secrets!" He snapped. His crimson glare boring into my E/C shocked gaze.
   I took a deep breath and let out an exasperated sigh before nodding. We were supposed to be getting married, he deserved to know. I trusted him with my life.

      By the end of the explanation, I'm crying. Having never been able to open up about what really happened to my dad and my secret quirk. I'd never been allowed to express any of it before. It was a huge weight off my shoulders. I look to him for his reaction since he listened the whole time silently, an unreadable expression masked his face.
   I hugged him tight for comfort, suddenly nervous. Inhaling his caremel scent and usual cologne and.... flowers? That's odd. He'd never be caught dead wearing anything flowery, and my perfume is more of a spice...
  I snapped back out of my thoughts when he nodded "Give me some time to process all this" he deadpanned. My heart sank as he moved to put his jacket on "I'll be back later," he said as he opened the door, almost too low for me to hear. And with that he left before I could do anything.

   I spent that night crying in our room, feeling like I made a mistake. He got home late, I heard the door open and close, but he never came to the room.

Nothing's changed in the last couple weeks. We've barely talked at all. I keep hoping that he'll come to me and wrap me up in a hug saying that everything's ok. But I'm losing hope. That's when I got the idea to do something nice for him to try and ease the tension. His laundry.

  I figured it'd also be a good way to pass time since I was done with classes and he was busy with training, which seemed to run really late these days.
   I was just humming along to the music on my playlist until something fell out of one of the pockets of his jeans. My breath hitched as my pulse sped up. Leaning down to pick up the tiny packet, tears pricked my eyes.
   It was a condom.
   We hadn't used any since I was put on birth control our second year of high school. This has to be a misunderstanding.
   I quickly call Izuku, trying to fight back the panic in my mind. My best friend picks up immediately, "h-hey Izu" my voice cracked.
   "N/N what's the matter? Are you ok?" I could feel his worry seeping through the phone. I asked to meet up at the food court on campus and he agreed.

   We found a table and I explained the situation, I suddenly notice the freckled boy staring at something behind me.
   Curiosity getting the better of me, I turn to follow his gaze, the boy starts flailing frantically "Y-Y/N! No, wait! Don-"

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