Chapter 26

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Your POV

Dabi plants a soft kiss to my forehead as I try to dry the tears on my face. He'd been through so much more than anyone could imagine. The fact that he's a villain, I can't say that he's made the wrong choice exactly. Especially since my first villain experience has been so... welcoming? If that's what you could call it.

They all have big hearts underneath the rough exterior, even Shigaraki. I can see small hints of a softie in those rage fill red orbs.

I jolt in place beside the raven haired man, suddenly realizing something. I look down at my gloves hands and then back up into his crystal blue eyes. I quickly take the gloves off, and decide the hoodie has to go too. Leaving me in a simple tank top.

He looks at me quizzically as a wide grin stretches from one of my ears to the other. "I can finally do this."

I lean in and hug him tight before pulling back letting my bare hands trail along the roughness of his scarred arms. Marveling at the fact that I don't have to be scared of touch anymore.

My hands find their way up to his face, his brows are furrowed and his eyes are watching me intently. I cup his face in both hands, noting the contrast between the rough scars and the soft Undamaged skin.

My thumb grazed his bottom lip. I'd grown to like the roughness there, quite a lot actually. My hands travel up and into his hair. I played with the soft ebony strands for a moment before wrapping my bare arms around the back of his neck. Noting the goosebumps that ran across my skin at the foreign feeling of actual contact. I savored every second now that I didn't have to double down on concentrating to make sure my quirk wouldn't accidentally activate.

"What happened with the big man, Doll?" He finally speaks up, sounding a little worried.

I bury my face into the Crook of his neck and smiled the biggest smile I can physically manage. "He took my quirk Dabi." I whisper out as I feel my eyes start to water again. "I don't have to be scared anymore." I sniffled, nuzzling into the tough skin of his neck closer.

He took a deep breath and kissed the top of my head before squeezing me tightly. "I'm so happy for you Baby. I really am." he whispers out. " but what kind of deal did you make, he doesn't just do things for people without getting something in return"

There was a second of silence as my smile dropped. "Don't get mad?" I mumble half-heartedly, burying my face into his chest as I feel him nod silently. "He said that in return he'd give me a new quirk after my body has adjusted. It'll be a healing quirk." I started quietly. " and that I would have to join the league as a medic. He promised I'd never have to hurt anyone though..."

I wait patiently for his reaction. I know joining a group of villains wasn't exactly the best of ideas, but it was for a chance that I'd wished would come along my whole life. And none of the people here seem to be 'evil' like they portray in the news. I can't say I regret this even a little bit.

Dabi heaves a long, drawn out sigh as he rubs circles onto my back. Something unreadable flashes across his face, "Well... I guess: welcome to the league, Babydoll."

We stay like that for another few moments before a realization hits me and I bolt up right on the bed.

"Dabi! My cat! I have to go make sure he's alright! What if he's starved to death!?" He chuckles as he sits up alongside me.

"That fur ball is just fine. I saw his bowls were empty and I refilled them before I started looking for you."

"Oh my god, I thought I was going to have a heart attack. Thank you so much." My body relaxes a bit, just in time for my stomach to growl.

I hear a snicker from the man beside me as he gets out of bed, pulling me up along with him. He swoops an arm behind my legs and scoops me up bridal style.

"I can walk you know..." I squeak out as I feel my face start to heat up.

"I was told to let you rest, so you're going to rest. You still need food though so I'm going to carry you. At least for today." His tone left no room for argument, so I crossed my arms and marinated in the light embarrassment as we made our way down the hallway to the bar area.

I avoid all the states that are glued to me and the scarred man. "Lay off" he commanded, his voice laced with a hint of danger as he sat me down on one of the stools at the bar.

I felt all eyes avert their gaze, except for one pair. I heard the quick footsteps and was suddenly engulfed in a bone crushing hug.

"I was so worried!" The girl in my arms whined "you didn't look like you were doing good at all."

I pat her head and smiled. "I'm fine Toga, but guess what"

She pulls away as her eyes snap to mine, complete curiosity covering her face. So I finish my surprise "I'll be staying here for a good whi-"

I was cut off by another bone crushing hug. This one seemed even tighter though, almost completely cutting off airflow to my lungs as she squealed in excitement and rocked us side to side.

I felt hands pry her off of me as oxygen finally re-entered my lungs. "You're gonna kill her you little psycho! Chill out!" Dabi's voice rings, tiny slivers of amusement embedded within.


Kurogiri made dinner for everyone as we all sat at the bar and ate. At first it was silent but Twice and Toga didn't let that last long. Dabi still seemed pretty off though.

Afterwards Kurogiri filled me in that I would receive my new quirk in a weeks time, and then I'd officially be joining the league.

When a silent lull fell around the bar, I'd decided now would be the time to bring it up.

"I have a cat named, Yuji." I start hesitantly. "Um, he's at my apartment alone... since I have to stay here, could I maybe bring him?" I ask the misty figure.

He thinks on it for a second before turning to the blue haired man as if asking his opinion. Which earns a grumble as he looks my way.

I fully expected for that one visible eye to show, at the very least, serious irritation. What I saw instead caused my breath to hitch in my throat.

I saw a softness in the usually murderous orb. Nothing else. It was only there for a split second before he let out a grunt and turned away. "Yeah fine whatever."

I begin to get the feeling that the media hasn't been completely honest about the villains they cover stories on. Every single one of them is portrayed as an evil monster, void of any human decency. Yet all I've seen is the opposite since I got here.

'I've obviously got a lot of thinking to do...'

Not a Monster (Dabi x Reader)*COMPLETED*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon