Chapter 22

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Your POV

   A after Dabi leaves, I go start dinner up. Everyone agreed on Katsudon, and of course Izuku lit up. It is his favorite after all. Hitoshi decides to join me and help out with the food preparation. Which is odd, he's not usually the helping type.

   "So, that Dabi guy huh?" Of course he offered to help so he could grill me...

   "Uh... yeah I guess so. You don't seem to like him much..." I state matter of factly, a little bit annoyed at the fact that he was judging him before getting to know him at all.

   "He just seems off Y/N. I don't know how to explain it, other than I just feel like maybe there's something he's not letting you in on." He says quietly, not wanting the others to catch the conversation.

   "Well we haven't known each other long, It's only logical that there's still a lot I don't actually know" I roll my eyes. Turning away from the vegetables to face him "I know you're just being protective, and I appreciate that, but he's been nothing but kind to me Hitoshi."

   He lets out a frustrated huff as he stops preparing the meat to look at me. His expression stern "He's trouble Y/N. Seriously. I got a really bad vibe from him."

   "Hitoshi. Let's just drop this. I'm not going to just cut him off because you got a 'vibe'." I punctuate the last word with air quotes to show my sarcasm. "You spent maybe an hour or so with the guy, I've known him for a couple months. He has given me no reason to think his intentions are bad so far."

   He takes a deep breath before exhaling and giving me a nod before turning back to the food. "You're right. Just be careful."

   A small smile tugs at my lips. Moving to hug his arm, I place a friendly peck on his shoulder. "Thank you for caring so much about me Hito. You're the best." I release his arm and move back to get dinner finished.


   Full from dinner, we all sit around the living room laughing at a story Shoto told about fan girls on campus. Once he got comfortable, he opened up a bit. He's funny in the weirdest way. Knowing he's related to Dabi somehow is interesting, they share a lot of similarities now that I'm thinking about it. From his ice blue eye to the stone faced expression, though Dabi has gotten a lot more expressive since we first met.

   "Yeah, I feel kind of bad though. There's no way I could date any of them." The bi-colored boy says flatly. His smooth voice staying rather monotone. "I'm too gay for this school." he says with a straight face staring straight into his cup of tea. Earning chuckles from the rest of us.

   "Todoroki has an interesting sense of humor, but he never fails to make us laugh. " Izuku says through his giggles.

   Hitoshi checks his phone for the time and sighs. "We gotta head out guys, the last train leaves soon and we still have to get back and pack for your mom's place Zuzu."

   We all get up from our seats and head to the door. "I'll walk you guys out" I say as I grab my coat.

   "It's already dark, it's dangerous for you to be walking around by yourself at night." The ever so protective purplette says.

   "I walk home at night all the time from work. I'll be fine. I know how to take care of myself if there's trouble too." I say with puffed cheeks. Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't handle myself.

   "Fine whatever." He sighs. I push them out the door and we begin our short journey to the train station to see them off.

   On the way back, that weird feeling of being watched set in again. It was like this whenever I was out of the apartment complex. Deciding to pick up my pace, I make a B-line for home.

   I don't make it far before I feel a sudden pain in the back of my head, no time to process what's happening as my vision fades to black.


   My consciousness slowly comes back to me as my eyes flutter open. Remembering what happened I bolt up from my laying position. I hiss in pain as the sudden movement causes a pulsing pain to radiate around my whole head.

   Taking a shaky breath I focus on my surroundings. I can't really see anything, It's too dark and the only light is coming from the crack under the door on the opposite side of the room.

   My breathing picks up as anxiety sets in, heart pounding in my eardrums as I notice pressure around my wrists... 'How'd I not notice they were tied together from the start??'

   I try to resituate my legs and notice the heavy feeling around both my ankles and the clinking of metal. 'Am I chained up??!'

   That causes the anxiety to spike into full blown panic. What's going on, was I kidnapped, what's going to happen to me?

   My thoughts are cut short as I hear the click of the door in front of me as it creaks open, causing me to squint my eyes at the sudden bright light coming from the other side.

   All I can see against the light is a tall silhouette as it makes its way slowly to me. "Oh you're awake! Good. You caused quite the fuss when we picked you up little one." The voice was obviously male, he spoke clearly and it had a lilt in it that would be calming if it weren't for the situation I'd landed myself in.

   I decide to keep my mouth shut. He must have realized I wasn't going to talk so he broke the tense silence. "You can call me Mr. Compress darling, it's the nickname given to me by the others here. But we've got to get you ready to talk with the boss." He says while he quickly slaps a cold metal circlet around my neck as it clicks closed. "That's a quirk suppressor. You've got quite the dangerous ability. We can't have you using it on any of the rest of us"

   I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to know what he meant, but I was honestly terrified right now. My body was trembling and my voice just wasn't coming to me. After all the combat training I've gone through, I never thought I'd actually need it. I guess when it comes down to the real thing, I was still a scared weak girl. I should have listened to Hitoshi...

'What's  going to happen to me...'

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