Chapter 20

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Your POV

   The news is playing on my tv as I sink into the couch with one of my favorite books to pass the time. Yuji hops up on my lap, having adjusted to his new home pretty quickly. I can't help but smile down at the cute little cat as he curls himself up and relaxes.

   "There have been a sharp rise in kidnappings and disappearances across the area recently. Pros are saying they could be connected to the notorious League of Villains, but they've refused to comment on anything else. Please stay aware of your surroundings, especially if you're out alone. In other news-"

   I take a mental note to possibly start locking my windows too as my phone starts to ring. I pick it up after seeing the name of my purple haired friend displayed across the screen. "Hitooooo!! Are you getting on the train yet?!" I ask, impatient to see my friends again.

   A low laugh rumbles from his side of the phone. "Yeah we just got on. We'll be there soon Y/N"

   We say our goodbyes and I gently pick up the pile of black fur on my lap and set him down on the couch before flailing around in excitement. Grabbing my coat and keys as I rush out the door and head towards the train station.


   I've been waiting for about 10 minutes now, they should be here soon. Hopefully. I look around the small platform, the uneasy feeling of being watched settling in again. Nothing, as always. 'I really should talk to my therapist about this paranoia crap'

   The train finally pulls in and comes to a stop. The doors open and I see a tuft of green hair in the small crowd. Making sure to avoid bumping into any of the other people, I run to the familiar mess of hair and jump into him.

   "WAH!!- oh it's Y/N!" he giggles as he hugs hugs me tight. "You almost gave me a heart attack!" We both chuckle, big smiles across our faces.

   "Oh I see how it is, don't even look for me huh?" A very familiar, scruffy voice rings out behind me.

   "Wel I-" suddenly everything gets hazy and my body feels like lead.

   "Turn around" he says. My body follows the command against my will. "Give me a hug and tell me I'm your favorite" a sly smirk spreads across the tired man in front of me. Again my body follows the orders given, and then I'm back to normal.

   "HITOSHI SHINSO! YOU! HOW DARE YOU QUIRK ME LIKE THAT!!" I yell with a pout. Only half serious. "And you're not my favorite! Izu is!" Hitoshi laughs heartily, thoroughly entertained by my small tantrum.

   My attention snaps towards a man with a rather striking appearance as I hear him clear his throat. The first thing I notice is his hair, split right down the middle. Left side vibrant red, right side a pure white. The eye on the white side was a deep stormy grey while the other was a brilliant and vibrant blue, the piercing tone accentuated by the large dark scar splayed across the left side of his face. 'That blue.... why does it seem so familiar?'

   I hadn't realized I'd been staring until he offers his hand, " Shoto Todoroki, it's a pleasure to meet you" he says flatly, his face void of anything readable.

   "Y/N, nice to meet you Todoroki " I shake his hand with a warm smile. Trying to force the odd sense of familiarity to the back of my mind. There's definitely no way I'd met him before. I'd remember someone with his features easily.


   "You know, I'm sure he'd let you take a picture if you asked nicely" my sleepy purplette says from the couch. Snapping out of whatever daze I was in, I realized I was indeed staring at the oddly familiar man. My face heats up with embarrassment. "You have a crush already huh? Can't say I'm surprised, half the campus drools over the poor guy wherever he goes" Hitoshi snickers.

   "N-NO! No it's not like that!" I defend. "Sorry Todo, you're just so familiar, I can't put my finger on it though. I've just been trying to figure it out I guess" my hand stretches to the back of my neck bashfully as I mumble a "Sorry"

   "Yeah, Y/N already has a boytoy anyways baby~" the freckled boy on the floor beside me coos before nuzzling his cheek against mine affectionately. "You promised to give us the deets when we visit! Spill!!" He demands as he shakes me playfully.

   "He's not my boytoy Izuku! Oh my gosh" I cover my flustered face with my hands.

   "Then he's a boyfriend ~" he sings excitedly. The other two in the room snicker at the teasing. While I let out a soft sigh.

   "I honestly don't know what we are..." I start. "We haven't really talked about anything like that. And I kind of feel bad"

   Hitoshi raises a brow and looks at me totally puzzled "why do you feel bad? He hasn't done anything to you has he?" His tone serious and cold

   "What-no! It's just... Kat and I were engaged not even three months ago. Isn't it a little early for me to be catching feelings for someone new? And I've got so much baggage... I'd probably just cause problems for Dabi..."

   "Stop worrying about Kacchan." Izuku says as he hugs me softly from the side. "If your heart tells you it's time to move on, then move on. There isn't a set time for stuff like this Y/N. Just take things slow and I think you'll be alright"

   "And if this new guy can't handle a little baggage then he's not worth shit. Izu has been with you through everything, if that big baby can handle it and still love you to pieces, so can someone else" Hitoshi states as he leans down to give my head a reassuring pat.

   "Thank you. You guys really are the best." I say as I give them a thankful smile before getting up and heading to the kitchen. "You guys want lunch? Sandwiches sound good?"


   "I really can not get over how familiar you look though Todo, and I have no idea where I've heard your last name either" I remark. Having finished our lunch, we had just all been hanging around and talking casually. He's a quiet one, but not uncomfortable to be around. Probably more of a listener than a talker.

   "Probably because you've heard of my father. He's the #2 pro hero, Endeavor" he finishes just as my apartment door swings open, a gasp coming from the person in the doorway.

   Turning to see Dabi there, with a stunned expression across his usually apathetic face.

Then it all clicks into place in my head...

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