Chapter 19

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Your POV

It's been about a week since I started working. Tomorrow would be Saturday, marking my 2 days off for the weekend. Izu and Hito would be visiting tomorrow with their friend. They said his name was Todoroki. I know that last name somewhere, but I'm not sure where and I decide not to dwell on it.

My shift went by smoothly and surprisingly quick. I'd gotten into the flow of things pretty easily. It was around 5pm now, meaning my shift was over. I was about to head out when I remembered my therapist recommending I get a pet as sort of a therapeutic thing.

"Hey, kiyoko?" I call out to my coworker. She was a bubbly brunette around my age. Her eyes were a deep brown to match. I made quick friends with her in fact. "Do you think I could adopt one of the cats here?"

Her face lit up as she grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the back of the store where the adoptable animals were. She took me to the cat section and stopped in front of a particular window.

"I already know the perfect match for you!" She beamed. "He's been here for a while because people are so superstitious around this area... but he's the sweetest one we've got." She explains, a little sad for the poor creature. But a smile warms her features soon after. "I really think you'll love him."

My focus is taken from Kiyoko when a bundle of silky black fur pads out of the little cubby with a stretch. The fluffy cat opens its eyes to reveal the prettiest bright green orbs as he looks my way. The cute little creature makes his way to rub his face against the window where I'm standing, obviously wanting affection. "See? Let's go get the rest of the stuff you'll need for now!" She squeaks excitedly as she practically bounces to go pick out the necessities for you.


Closing the door of your apartment behind you and locking it after you set the pet carrier down. The feeling of being watched has stayed constant when you walk to and from work, but you haven't found any evidence of being watched or followed. Dabi hasn't been around either.

Shaking the thoughts, you open the carrier to let the feline out to explore his new home while you set up his litter box and food and water bowls.

I showed him where his stuff was and then left him alone to get aquatinted with the apartment, making sure to leave all the doors open to give him free reign.

As I made a sandwich for dinner, my mind wandered. I hadn't seen or heard from Dabi since we said our goodbyes on my first day of work. I assumed he was busy with his own work. He did run a business, technically, after all. I'm sure he's fine. 'I do miss him though...'

Plopping down on my couch to eat, I continued thinking. Somewhere in my mind I felt guilty. Guilty for starting to move on from my breakup. It's only been two months, and Kat and I were together for close to four years. We were engaged. Is it really ok for me to start letting that go so soon?

He cheated though, even before I'd told him about my past and my quirk. All the signs were there, he just used it as an excuse.

While I don't want to jump into something new, especially after that. Taking things slow couldn't hurt. There was already a good level of trust and appreciation laid out between the ravenette and myself. We haven't known each other long, but it's plain to see that he genuinely cares and accepts me, crazy quirk and all. 'Yeah it's time to really let go of the past now.'

Which reminds me, "MY FAVORITE BOYS ARE COMING TO SEE ME TOMORROW!!" I yell in excitement, hopefully not disturbing whatever apartment mates I have around me. It is pretty late.

I squeal to myself as I hurry to tidy up my apartment.doing the dishes, the laundry, picking up some small trash here and there, clearing some clutter.

When I had finished, I plop back on the sofa with a satisfied sigh. Not long after, a ball of fluffiness hops up on my lap and meows up at me.

I look down at him with a smile and scratch underneath his chin. "Hmmm... what should I name you?" I ponder for a bit. Thinking about how he's already made living alone much easier, things feel less heavy just having the kitty around. I've got it!

"I'll call you Yuji!" The cat looks up into my matching E/C orbs, almost as if he's waiting for me to continue.

"What do you think?" I ask with a smile, earning a purr from my new silky friend. "Perfect! I'm glad you like it." He meows happily as his tail swishes around softly.


After a couple more hours, I've gotten sleepy and decide it's time for bed. I scoop Yuji into my arms and carry him with me to my room, setting him in the bed where he immediately makes his way to one of the pillows and curls up on top of it. I get dressed into my pajamas, deciding to shower in the morning again.

Deciding to shoot Hitoshi a text to remind him to let me know when they get on the train so I can meet them.

I can't help but feel my heart sink a little as I check mine and Dabi's thread, I've only messaged him three times over the last week, but they haven't even been opened. Surely he'd have a little time to look at them over the week at least?

I quickly shake the thoughts away, deciding to trust that he's alright and nothing bad has happened. He rarely ever talks to me while he's at work, he must have gotten into some serious shit for skipping out the way he did for me. I'll have to make it up to him. Finally settling the battle between anxiety and logic in my mind, I lay down to sleep.

'It's going to be so nice to see the boys tomorrow. I can't wait!'

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