Chapter 8

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I wake up to the sound of my phone going off. Grumbling as I groggily reach for the annoyance and press the answer button. All while keeping my sleepy eyes closed. Not ready to completely wake up so fast.

I put it to my ear, "Yes?" I croak before an audible yawn forces it's way out of my mouth.

"O-oh! I didn't mean to wake you up!" An energized Izuku panics. "I-I figured you'd be awake already since it's noon, and I wanted to check up and see how the move went. I guess I should have assumed you'd need some extra sleep after having to do all that yourself. I'm so sorry we couldn't help like we planned to-"

I stopped listening to my fretting friend. He was on one of small tangents that he tended to get into when he overthought something. Then my still half asleep brain finally began to register what he was saying... 'noon?'

"NOON?!" I bolt upright, now fully awake as I pull my phone away to check the time. "TWO O'CLOCK?!!"

"Ye-yeah... Are you alright, Y/N?" I can almost hear his brow furrow through the phone. I assure him that I'm fine and then begin to recount my move in.

"Good, so you did get help. I'm glad," says Izuku, obviously relieved that I'd found some help.

"I feel like I might have upset him towards the end though," I purse my lips as I tug a pair of sweats on, holding the phone between my face and shoulder. "So I wanted to make some cookies. You know, as like a peace offering or something."

I hear a giggle from the other end of the call, "your cookies are the best. I'm sure they'll work"

The two of us talk while I get ingredients and supplies ready to make my favorite dark chocolate, chocolate chunk cookies. Hanging up with a wish of luck from my green haired ball of positivity before getting started on baking from scratch.


Just shy of 3pm I pull the cookies out of the oven and set them on the counter. Deciding to get two separate plates and split the batch of twelve evenly between them, allowing them to cool off a little while I get properly dressed for the day.

Looking through my closet that's full of all colors and many styles, it's chilly and I've got a few errands to run today. Like dropping the moving truck off at one of the company's lots here in town.

I finally decide on my favorite oversized sweater with the cat ear hood and tail, some skinnies, and a pair of vans. Not forgetting my gloves either.

Looking into the mirror I decide to wear my H/C locks down and put some concealer on the couple scars on my face. Luckily they were already pretty faded and weren't even noticeable with the light makeup.

Deciding to check the rest of the damage I'd done during my breakdown, I lift my sleeve to see the darker scars sporadically placed all over the front and backside of my arm. Then the blatantly large, raised one running the length of the inside of my forearm. It was still very discolored, a pinkish red color compared to my skin. Recovery did an amazing job with me being so weak. Hopefully they'd fade more in these next few months. Luckily I still had fall and winter to cover all them up with sweaters and pants.

I'd hated that I'd done this to myself, but I wasn't exactly planning on living through it either. 'What's done is done... I suppose' my chest tightened as the regret and insecurity threaten to swallow me whole.

The faint sound of a door closing could be heard outside the apartment, gently snapping me out of my thoughts as I tug my sleeve back down. I assumed it was my neighbor, Dabi. I just hoped he was coming home rather than leaving... "Crap!"

I race to the door, opening it to search for any sign of the ravenette. None. I really hope he hadn't just left.
I knock, but no answer.

I let out a defeated sigh before perking right up and rushing back into my apartment, looking for paper, a pen, and some duct tape.

I decide to write a short note and tuck it into a ziplock baggy with the six chocolate cookies I planned to give him. Heading back out, I tape the baggy securely to his door, knowing he'd see.

I quickly grab your keys, bag, and phone before locking up and setting out to get my errands done.


It was already dark when you started your walk from the convenience store closest to home. Deciding to leave the shopping for last on your to do list for obvious reasons.

The sun had long set. You curse yourself for sleeping in so late as you slowly approach your apartment before coming to a total stop a few meters away as you look ahead.

The raven haired man stood at his door with the cookies in hand, examining the contents of the baggy you'd taped to his door just above the handle. With a scoff and click of his tongue he walks through his door and closes it forcefully.

You make your way into your apartment with a hopeful smile and begin putting groceries for the week away.

At least he took them...


A/N: hey sorry for the short chapter. Allergies have me pretty messed up right now lol so it was hard to concentrate to write more than a little.

Thank you for reading though :) leave a vote if you liked it. Or let me know how you'd like this story to possibly go. I'm open to new plot points.

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