Chapter 17

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Your POV

   He closes the small gap between us and presses his lips to mine gently. I melted into the kiss almost instantly, the contact sending electric tingles down my spine. His arms around my waist pull me closer as he deepens the kiss.

Deciding to slide his tongue across my bottom lip asking for entry, I allow without question as I part my lips. The intrusion sends a shiver across my whole body while our tongues mingle with each other, our breathing getting heavier as the my arms snake up from his chest to wrap around the back of his neck.

He pulls away gently as my eyes flutter open, a disappointed whine slips from my throat. He snickers before leaning in to give me a soft peck on the lips and rest his forehead to mine.

Closing his eyes as he heaves a content sigh, he again pulled away as his cerulean eyes found mine. "To answer your question. I didn't exactly ask the first time I kissed you. I wasn't sure it was something you actually wanted, and I'm not fond of taking advantage of others while they're vulnerable the way you were..."

I blink, surprised at his words. He was worried about that? That's why he hasn't kissed me again? He was worried that he'd crossed a boundary of mine? 'What a gentleman' I mused to myself.

"I kissed you back though? How was it not clear that it was something I wanted?" I ask genuinely baffled.

" you weren't exactly in the most clear headspace Doll" he sighed. " I didn't even know what I was doing until it was done- don't get me wrong, I wanted to, for a while- I just- you know- ugh..dammit..." he trailed off, seemingly frustrated with himself.

I giggled and cupped his face in my hands, turning him to meet my eyes. "If I didn't want you to kiss me, I would have pushed you away. Especially if I were in the state I was the other night." His features soften as a small, soft smile creeps onto his features.

A realization hits me though and my own smile falls. I take a deep breath, readying myself to address it. "Please don't mess with my head though. I've been through too much to be played with."

He's flinches away as if I'd hit him. His brows furrow as his lips press into a thin, worried line. "What are you talking about?"

"Dabi, you're place is right across from mine. I've seen the girls coming and going at weird hours. I'm not stupid." I laugh. "Not that I'm mad or judging or anything. You do you, we're both adults. Just don't sit here and try to make me feel a certain way if all you want is fun" I emphasize the word fun, knowing he'd catch what I meant.

I didn't exactly know what to expect after I said what I had to say, but it definitely wasn't that he'd fall into a fit of uncontrollable laughter like he was. I was so confused, and I'm very sure my face showed it.

He managed to get himself together after a few moments. His cackling reigned in to only chuckles as he wiped a stray tear that had almost escaped during his fit. I was still absolutely clueless as to what just happened. I don't know what he finds so funny about this, I was almost offended by the time he finally managed to calm down enough to speak coherently.

" Y/N, Doll, no. It's definitely not like that. A couple years ago, yeah, but not since." Another snicker slips from him as he grabs my hand, lacing his fingers with mine and brings it to his lips to kiss softly. "It's a work thing, nothing more. I promise." He chuckles before explaining further, still pretty amused at my assumptions. "I hate having people in my house as much as I do, and there are just as many guys that come and go too." He huffs in amusement.

"What do you do anyways? I don't think we've ever talked about it?" I ask, genuinely interested.

Something flashes across his expression for a split second and then is gone just as fast. His normal, flat expression back, " I help run a bar and I'm in charge of employment. I hire and fire, and the turnover is pretty rough. People usually only last a few weeks before they... quit." He explains. "We hold interviews and meetings at my place because it's closest and it's not as noisy as the bar itself. We're pretty casual about things."

"That makes sense. I hear club work is pretty stressful." I say "it's nice to know you aren't the playboy I thought you were though" I flash him a playful smile.

He snorts out a laugh, "I'm definitely not anymore. Meaningless sex gets boring after a while, and it's pretty rare for me to find people I can tolerate to be around anyways. Even more so to find someone I want to be around. Especially for fun, as you so nicely put it" he shoots me a flirtatious wink, making my face heat up a bit. "It's flattering you think I'm hot enough to be a playboy though" that signature smirk of his playing on his face.
"Speaking of jobs though, don't you start yours tomorrow?"

"Yep yep! And I have a meeting with my therapist after my shift too." I say excitedly "I'm way too ready to work with all the cute animals at the pet shop!"

He smiles, sitting up from the couch with a yawn as he stretches. Glancing at the clock above the TV, "we should probably head to bed then huh?"

I look up at the clock as I sit up, 10:37 pm. "Yeah you're right" as if on que, a yawn forces it's way out of my lips.

We make it to my room and get cozy in bed. We spent the day in our PJ's anyways, and I'd decided on a shower in the morning. Too lazy right now.

I set the alarm for 7 am, Giving me a couple hours to get ready and walk to work by 9 and then turn to cuddle into Dabi. His warmth wrapping around me as we murmur our good nights. I feel safe, secure, and something else that I can't quite put my finger on. But I quickly drift into and oddly peaceful sleep.

'This feels so different from how it was with Kat'

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