8. Rejection

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I had gone up to the roof thinking not even a soul would be present there. There was so much anger, pain and sadness vented up in me and the best thing to do at that time was to scream at the top of my lungs and yell out all horrible things. And guess what? Jungkook heard it. He heard all the things I had to say about him and MY mom. Do I care? Yes! Now he would think that I am a weak and emotional person.

I hate my life!

I entered the class and sat in my usual place. He still hasn't come and that's a good thing. I don't need to face him at all. I hope he really forgets everything I said.

"Good afternoon class. Let's begin the surprise test," the teacher said and handed out the question paper. I was nervous. I hadn't studied anything related to school. Oh god! Mom is so going to kill me. Jimin warned me that I might have a test today and I like an idiot didn't study for it.

I saw the paper and I stared at the words and froze. I can't do this. Why am I so nervous? I could just wail and cry that my life sucks. I tried to remember something from what I learnt in class, but my mind was blank. Why am I stressing so much?

Suddenly the door banged open and our heads turned towards the person who broke the silence. I gasped when I saw it was Jungkook. Great! Just great.

"May I come in?" he asked and the teacher just ignored him. He shrugged and walked in. He took one of the question paper which was lying on the teacher's table and sat down right next to me. I sighed and went back to staring at the questions.

Out of nowhere, I had a weird feeling that somebody was watching me. I looked towards my left and saw Jungkook staring at me. I looked away and went back to staring at the paper. Why is he even looking at me?

Suddenly, he slid his answer sheet in front of me. I looked at him to see whether he was joking with me, but in his eyes, I could see he was serious. He wants me to copy his answers? Where the hell is the Jungkook? I looked at me and now he was glaring at me. I gulped and turned back to the answer sheet. I could copy, but mom told me never to cheat. I shook my head and slid the sheet back to him. I could see he was shocked, but I have to do this. It's the only way I can show my parents that I am capable of being on my own and not taking any shortcuts.

He pushed the paper in front of me and jabbed my shoulder. I winced in pain and glared at him. He again gave the 'shut-the-hell-up-and-copy-or-die' look. I shook my head and slid it back to him.

After five minutes he stopped and I sighed in relief. Now back to the test.

"Time's up, students. Hand over your answer sheets."

I handed mine and went back to my seat. I finished the big answers and I hope that was enough to pass. The small answers were a bit of a problem. But I am hundred percent sure that I will pass but, that is not want my parents want. They want me to be a topper. I can never be that. I am just a sore loser who has no clue what is trigonometry. 

"Why didn't you take it?" I looked behind me and saw Jungkook. He had his poker face on and internally I was laughing like a maniac. I have no clue why I want to laugh badly when he gives me that look.

"I don't like to cheat," I replied back.

"What a loser!" he walked away and I felt as if a huge rock had landed on my head. He had to say that.

"Uhmm...Taehyung?" I turned around to see who called me and saw a girl standing behind me. Is she in my class? I don't even know who all are there in my class. Except for Jungkook.

"What can I do for you?" I asked her. Her face was turning red and she was fidgeting with her fingers. Does she have a fever? Right now she looked like a tomato.

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