43. Do You...?

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"That means, exams is in two weeks, dumbass. What else would I mean by that?"

"Even we have our exams at that time."

"Namjoonie will get full marks, right?"


"I don't want to write my exams. I want to stay with my hope."

"You and your hope. I am just going to go and sleep."

"This exam is small and there is not much to study too."

"EASY FOR YOU TO SAY, SMART ASS!" I yelled at Jungkook and buried my head in my hands as I thought about my condition for the next two weeks. 

After that incident back at my house, we ran out of there and went to Jungkook's mansion. The entire gang came to our place after school and that's when Jimin dropped the bomb on me. Exams! Fricking exams that causes sickness to 99.9% people in this universe. While I was stressing out about it, Jungkook was sipping his banana milk with no worries or fears written on any part of his face.

Obviously he won't worry about it. For him exams was like a piece of cake and for me, it was the end of the world.

"I thought you already knew about it," Jimin said to me and I nervously chuckled. I think one of our teachers was discussing about it in class, but I was too sleepy to even listen to what she was saying and ended up daydreaming about Zeref. 

"I don't know about you guys, but I am probably going to ace it," Jungkook smirked and leaned back on his chair. I wish I had his brain. Maybe I can get it. All I have to do is make him unconscious and then run off to a hospital and then get our brains transferred. Hehehe...sounds like a plan.

"Taehyung, you look like an evil warlord with that creepy smile on your face," Jin said to me and I stared at him. Don't tell me they saw my evil smile. Crap!

"Why are you worrying so much?" Jungkook asked as he placed his arm around my neck, "I am right here to help you. Your one and only boyfriend."

"I don't need lessons on 'How to be a Pervert' from you," I said and he scowled at me, "I need to actually study. So I don't need your help. I am going to ask Namjoon's help."

"I am busy preparing for mine, so I won't have time for you," Namjoon said and I internally cried. There goes my last bit of hope to pass the exams. I am doomed! Might as well go and bury myself. It is not too late for that.

"Did you forget that I am your tutor?" Jungkook suddenly asked and then I remembered. Jungkook is my tutor personally assigned to me by mom. How could I forget? I softly chuckled and looked away from his angry eyes. Shit! He might tell mom that I forgot and then she will mince me.

"Oops!" Jimin giggled and I glared at him. When we met eyes, he looked away and stared at Yoongi who was staring at him for a long time. They both stared into each others eyes for two seconds, before turning their heads in the other direction. I snickered when I saw them two blushing like a mad.

"Fine then," Jungkook sighed and removed his arm from around my neck, "Looks like you forgot about me. I will tell your mom that her son totally forgot about studying and claims that I am not his tutor. Lets see what—"

"Okay. Okay. Fine," I grabbed his hand and he smirked, "I-I will...what am I supposed to say?"

"Say that you will forever and ever stay by his side and will never leave him," Jimin said and I threw one of the pillows, which was on the couch, at him. It smacked right at his face. Bullseye!

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