30. The Stuffed Tiger

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I woke up and saw the time on the phone. 5:00 a.m. Wow! How long did I sleep till now? I got up but suddenly someone pulled me down. What the—?

I saw Jungkook sleeping next to me and I suddenly blushed. Thank god that it was still dark or else anyone would have seen my tomato red face. Wait, did I really sleep because of him? Come to think of it, it was true. When I slept with Jimin, Jin and my parents and even the twins, I would always sleep very little. But I have only known him properly for like two or three weeks, yet I sleep like a baby next to him. Just what is so special in him that can make me sleep instantly? His scent?

Jungkook hummed and started to move towards me and I completely froze. He wrapped his arms around me and threw a leg over my stomach. Ouch! He nuzzled closer to my neck and he softly snored. I was trying my best not to scream out loud. His every breath on my neck sent goosebumps all over my body. What should I do now? He is so fricking close. I sighed and stayed like a statue. If I move even a bit, I wonder what he will do to me.

Wait...I didn't get any nightmares today? Was it because of him again? Was he some kind of a nightmare catcher? This was like the first time. Who is he? Is he a God? He might be one. He suddenly hugged me tighter and every part of my soul wanted to scream out and pull at his hair. But I remained calm and began to countdown the minutes to freedom.

One hour already went by and I was still in the form of a statue. Even he hadn't moved from that position. He was like a koala clinging onto a tree which was me. 

Suddenly I felt the sudden urge to go to the bathroom. Shit! Why now of all times? I tried to move but that big bunny was clinging onto me. Oh my god! I want to pee! There was one option, pee on the bed. But then my reputation and pride will go away when he wakes up.

I saw my big stuffed tiger which was near the window and an idea come to me. 

I removed Jungkook's arms and legs from my body and turned him to the other side. Before he could wake up or change sides, I ran to the stuffed tiger and threw it in my place. Jungkook turned and hugged the life out of the stuffed toy. Sorry tiger, but got to go. 

I ran to the bathroom and heaved a sigh of relief after I finished my business. Finally! 

After washing my hands, I came out and saw Jungkook sitting on the bed. I couldn't clearly see him because it was dark, but judging by the intense atmosphere around us, he was probably glaring at me. How the heck did he get up? I mean, why did he even get up?

"Good morning," I said and he snorted.

"Good morning my ass," he growled at me and I nervously chuckled. Shit! I am dead, "Why the heck was I hugging a stuffed tiger?"

"I wanted to pee and you were clinging on to me. So I replaced myself with the stuffed tiger."

"Why did you keep a stuffed animal next to me?" he asked me and I sighed. I already told you.

"Because I wanted to pee and you were clinging onto me," I repeated and it dawned on him. 

"Was I really hugging you?" he asked me.

"Yes. You were," I said, "You even nuzzled my neck. If we were strangers, I would have kicked your balls."

"I did that?" he asked and I sighed.

"Yes. You did that. Any more questions?" He suddenly groaned and laid down on my bed and rolled towards the wall.

"I am sleeping now. Don't wake me up," he said and I nodded. Oh wait, he can't see me since it is dark. Never mind that, but is he not going to say anything about what he did to me? No? Okay...let us all pretend that was nothing. 

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