42. Last Night

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Ouch! Something pains. Its my head which is paining. Gosh! Why is it paining so much? It feels like as if a fricking elephant is stamping on my head a million times. My poor head! Why is it so dark? Am I in hell? Then, I am supposed to be dead, but I am not. Okay, what is really wrong with me? First things first, why is my head aching so much?

I slowly opened my eyes and suddenly the bright light entered into the darkness and it blinded my eyes. I immediately shut my eyes and returned to the darkness. 

I opened my eyes again and my eyes got adjusted to the bright light after staying in the dark for long. I saw a familiar ceiling filled with Zeref's and Natsu's pictures. Okay, if I am not wrong I am in my room and...why am in my room? Because it is my room. Did I become even more dumb? And my head is still paining.

What's wrong with me? I slowly sat up and scanned the room. I am actually in my room. Good. Now what happened to me and why is my head still paining?

And suddenly I remembered the fight, the rain and the black out. Wait, did I faint? What the shit? Who hit me yesterday? Then how the heck did I get here? And...

Suddenly I got goosebumps all over my body and I looked at my clothes. I realized I was fricking naked! Not naked, naked. Like half naked. My upper body was completely exposed and my boxers, luckily, were still on. Why am only in my boxers? Where did my clothes disappear off to? Did they leave me and run off?

"I took off your clothes," I turned my head towards the door and winced at the sudden movement. When I saw who it was my eyes widened with shock and my face turned red from embarrassment. Jungkook was leaning against the wall holding a glass of water in his hand. Jungkook...took off my clothes...WHAT? HE SAW ME NAKED—HALF NAKED! I quickly took my quilt and wrapped it around me.

"YOU-YOU," I yelled and pointed at him, "WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME, YOU PERVERT?"

"You should ask that question to yourself," he smirked and looked at me, "Do you remember what happened last night?"

"I don't know. I believe someone whacked me on the head and I fainted. Did you save me?" I looked at him and he suddenly laughed. Okay, what is so funny?

"OMG! You think someone whacked your head. Sheesh! Why the heck do you feel that way?"

"Because my head hurts," I immediately said and he once again laughed. He was now rolling on the floor and clutching his stomach. Well, at least he is doing a good job in cleaning my floor and good thing he kept the glass on the table before he spilled it on the floor.

"Okay...oh my god!" he wheezed as he got up from the floor. Should I thank him for cleaning my floor? "I think I should tell you the truth."

"Yeah. I am waiting here."

"You were drunk." Hold on a second...did he say drunk? Or punk? Or duck? I am pretty sure it was duck. Let's get serious here. I WAS DRUNK?

"WHAT THE HECK!?" I yelled and he nodded. I gasped and smacked my head with my pillow. I want to leave this world and go off to the world of anime. My life is finally ruined here. I drank. Like drank. Like actually drank. And...I AM NOT ALLOWED TO DRINK! If mom gets to know this, she will skin me alive.

"Turns out," Jungkook said and sat down beside me on the bed, "there was a bottle which was actually supposed to contain mineral water, but instead it had alcohol. Looks like you accidently drank it."

Accidently drank it? But still, I was drunk. Wait, did that drink belong to mom? Great! I am dead the minute she finds out I drank her precious drink. I am going to die twice now.

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