12. Dinner Time

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It was time. Time for Jungkook to come home and have dinner with us. Mom and dad reminded me a hundred times that he was coming over.

I looked at the set of clothes which was laid out by mom. All were too formal to wear. So I threw them back in the closet and wore an oversized tee shirt and shorts. I grinned at what I wore. Mom will surely kill me when she sees this.

"Taehyung! Come down fast and help me with the dishes," my mom yelled from downstairs.

I groaned and went downstairs and saw my family shuffling around, cleaning the entire place. Even the twins were involved with cleaning. I stood there watching the show and suddenly someone hit my shoulder.

"Ouch!" I looked behind and saw my mom holding a huge spoon in our hand. My shoulders!

"What is with that clothes you are wearing?" she pointed my baggy shirt and I shrugged, "No. No. you, young man, are to change immediately to something formal."

"No. It is just my classmate, mom. Not the president of the country," I said and she frowned at me.

"No way am I letting you wear those silly clothes. Go up and wear something decent," my mom tried to force me to go upstairs, but I didn't budge from my place. I am not going to wear formal clothes!

Ding dong

All of us stared at the front door. Suddenly my mom squealed with joy and ran to welcome the guest. I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch to see what they will do to him.

"Oh my god! You look pretty handsome," my mom commented Jungkook. I stared at him and I could agree with my mom right there. He was wearing a white oversized hoodie with blue jeans. He was...pretty good! I realized I was staring at him too much and looked somewhere else.

"You look pretty too, Mrs. Kim," he said and my mom blushed with embarrassment. Weird.

"Come on in. Dinner is almost served. Taehyung, why don't you take Jungkook upstairs?" she said and every single word that came out of her mouth sounded wrong to me. I sighed and went upstairs with Jungkook trailing behind me. I opened the door to my room and moved aside to let him in.

"Welcome to my humble solitude place, your highness," I said and he laughed.

"That's how you welcome your guests?" he asked me and I nodded. He looked around the room while I laid down on my bed.

"I thought you live in the basement along with the rats," he said and I scowled at him. I don't have a shitty life!

"What's this?" he said. He was holding a jade stone in his hand and I smiled.

"That was a gift from my grandparents before they left Korea," I said and recalled all the memories that we had. Then suddenly, out of nowhere, I saw it. That dreadful time. I shivered and got up. He looked at me and I snatched the stone and threw it in one of my drawers.

"Don't touch anything without my permission," I said and went back to my bed. He nodded and went back to inspecting the place. I sat down and was deep in thought. That time. Those people. Those laughs. Why were they all coming back now?

"Taehyung! Jungkook! Dinner is ready!"

"Let's go downstairs," I said and he nodded. We both left the room and went to the dining room where the table where filled with so many dishes. If I was in a good mood, I would have jumped around and hogged down the entire thing. But right now, I wasn't hungry.

"Sit here," mom pulled a chair and he sat down. I sat opposite to him while mom and dad sat at both ends of the table. The twins sat beside me.

"Thank you for the food."

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