51. Off To Trek

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"Taehyung! Taehyung! Wake up! We have to go trekking!" I heard Jungkook yell into my ears. Annoying fly. Shoo away.

"Wake me up after seven years," I mumbled and went back to sleep. But suddenly he shook me and I groaned and kicked him, probably at his stomach and sat up.

"What the heck are you doing? I told after seven years, not now," I yelled at him or probably the wall because my eyes were still shut and I was too lazy to open them up.

"Why are you talking to the wall?" he asked me and I mentally slapped myself. I knew I was talking to the wall.

"Because the wall is nice and quiet. Unlike you who is nosy and stupid," I yelled at the wall and I heard him snicker.

"You are talking to Jimin now," he said.

"Where the heck did he—OMG! THAT IS FRICKING COLD!" I yelled when suddenly someone poured icy, cold water all over me and I was completely drenched from top to bottom. On top of that, my teeth were chattering and my body was shivering from cold.

"Can you open your eyes now?" It was probably Jimin who said that. I slowly opened my eyes with so much energy and will. I saw both of them standing in front of me. Jimin was a holding a bucket in his hand and he smirked at me.

"Voila! Now he is awake," Jimin said and he winked at Jungkook who gave him a thumbs up.

"You guys are so mean. Why the heck couldn't you do something else besides this?" I whined at them.

"I always wanted to do it," Jimin grinned.

"I slept with you so many times before, so you could have done this that time."

"Didn't want to wet my bed and get a lecture from my mother," he shrugged, "Now get changed fast. We have to leave in an hour."

"AN HOUR!?" I yelled at him as he ran out of the room laughing. I turned to Jungkook who was suddenly sitting in front of me. How did he get here? Is he a super-human? And plus...HE IS TOO CLOSE!

"You slept with him?" he asked me and I gulped when he told me in that tone. It was like he was pissed and annoyed at the same time.  

"I went to his house for sleepovers," I said and he tilted his head in confusion, "Sleepovers? You get it?"

"You mean you go to his house and stay for the night?" he asked me and I kind of nodded.

"That and we mostly stay up the whole night doing something fun," I said and he glared at me. Why does he get so angry all the time? "Me and Jimin usually stay up the whole night to watch anime."

"Oh anime," he kind of sighed and backed away from me. What the heck was that? "Get ready. We need to go in an hour."

"I know that. First get out of the room," I pointed to the door and he simply smirked at me.

"But I want to stay when my boyfriend changes his clothes."

"PERVERT!" I yelled at him and kicked him out of the room like literally. I sighed and looked at the mirror to my right. 

OMG! WHY THE SHIT AM I BLUSHING?! My cheeks were red and I stared at my pathetic hair which looked like it got an electric shock. Okay...why am I blushing? 

Suddenly yesterday's scene in the lake entered into my mind and my face turned even more red. The shit! Is there an off button to this blushing thing? And plus, why am I blushing for something pathetic like that? It was fake, right? Right? It better be.

I quickly showered and wore my clothes and grabbed my bag from the closet. I banged my door open and all seven eyes stared at me. Seven? I saw Jin standing next to Namjoon and I dropped my bag.

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