Meet Cute

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"Shit I'm late!" I yell. I grab my phone and the bag my niece gave me with very special instructions and rush out the door to my flat. If I don't get to this fan signing thingy for her favorite KPOP band she will be heartbroken and may never speak to me again.

She has a favorite member, I know I'll recognize him because his pictures are all over her walls and are slowly replacing the pink princesses in her preteen bedroom. I'm going to this fan sign for her because she isn't old enough to skip school and go herself, and what do I have to do anyway? Work has been pretty much non-existent lately and I've just been hanging around my sisters house in Brooklyn, mostly so I can eat her food and save my money for clothes I don't really need. I've been lifestyle blogging and I have a pretty good following on Insta but it's just not paying bills yet. Luckily I have two roommates in my flat in SOHO and one of them is a photographer so that comes in handy with making the rent and getting quality images up. But I still stay at my sisters house most nights. It's comfortable and I love my niece, and I guess it's home really. I've promised to return to her house after the signing so I can tell her all about it and give her autographs from all seven members. She swears she's "OT7" whatever that means, but she's definitely got a lot of pictures of this one guy named V who is pretty damn hot. To be honest, she's a little young to be finding anyone hot. When I was 12 I still had braces and rainbows everywhere.

The cab drops me outside of the midtown hotel where the fan sign is taking place and I have to go through security and get all my credentials and information checked by three different people, and get past 2-3 more just to get into this room. Who do these guys think they are anyway, I've probably only heard 2-3 of their songs and they travel like a head of state.

When I step into the room I realize it's loaded with girls who, at 26, I know are a good ten or twelve years younger than me, maybe more. I feel fairly out of place and I know I stand out. I'm taller than most of them for one, and I'm just wearing what I put on that morning, oversized sweater, black jeans so tight I can't fit my iPhone inside them and a Gucci belt. I look like someone's very stylish older sister I comfort myself. At least my hair is on point. I notice all the young girls have bags of stuff to give as gifts as well and I peek into the bag to see what 'Millie -Moo' has decided to gift to them.

The bag has her book to autograph, I think it's from one of their CDs, and she has funny headbands she made last weekend when I was over visiting. They have flowers on them. I'm not sure why she thinks they want to wear them but they do look nice. She did a good job, I'd wear one. I count them out, there are seven, so I guess she wants a picture with each of them wearing the headbands.

I watch the other people in line walk up to each member and talk, give them gifts, some touch hands, most just stand there visibly shaking and holding their faces with their hands, maybe to stop them from screaming with glee. What am I going to say to these guys? She didn't tell me what to say, just to get pictures and to get autographs and I guess I'll just have to figure something out. They are all pretty cute, and actually they look about my age, or not too much younger. I look over them sitting in a long row and try to figure out which one is V...

 I look over them sitting in a long row and try to figure out which one is V

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Gucci Girl  / V / KTH / BTS / 18+Where stories live. Discover now