The Call

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The phone is on silent so Millie can't hear it, but I look down at my pocket, quickly drying my hands. I reach to get the phone out, tugging at it because it barely fits the jeans are so tight. My sister shakes her head at me as I struggle and then get finally manage to pull it out. I hold it up to see an unknown number calling FaceTime. We both look at each other in shock and I smile excited. I hold my finger to my lips and tell her to 'shhhhh' as I run toward the living room to answer.  I brush my hand through my hair quickly and clear my throat. Then I answer the call.

I see his image come up on the screen. His beautiful hair and deep dark eyes. He's very close to the camera, obviously now in a room alone. I can't make out the background but I can see that he has on the same white shirt under a jacket.

"Hello," I say super chill. Almost too chill. My sister laughs silently watching from the kitchen. I motion a thumbs up to my sister out of sight of the phone.

"Hi, Halley?" he asks and smiles at me. "I'm glad to speak to you again," he says politely.

"I'm so glad you called. The man next to you told me to make sure I answered and make sure you were decent," I moronically admit to him. My sister frowns and shakes her head. I panic a little as he frowns.

"Oh did he...that's Suga. Yes, he would say that. He's just jealous that he didn't get your number." He smiles again. I flush with the thrill of another chance to flirt with him. "So, is your niece around? Can I say hello to her?" I can't help but look up at my sister and give her back the 'I told you so' look.

"Yes, she's in her room. Hold on I will take you in. I did tell her you might call. She's very excited, so please forgive any screaming if you hear it," I say as I carry the phone down the hallway toward her bedroom.

He laughs, "I'm use to it."

I knock on the door. "Millie...There's someone who would like to say hello to you," I say in a sing song voice. The door is flung open quickly and my 12 year old niece is standing there in her fanciest holiday dress, with jewelry on and her hair pinned up. She looks like she's going to the opera. I can't help but laugh a little as I hand her the phone.
She grabs it and turns it to her immediately.

"Hello V, I mean, Taehyung oppa. It's nice to speak to you," she says very grown up sounding. I try to listen in, as does her mom who has just appeared in the doorway to 'supervise'.

"I'm sorry you weren't able to come to the fan sign today. I hope your Aunt brought you the signatures and pictures," he says politely.

"Oh yes, she was very nice to attend for me." She is still trying to act very mature and grown up.

"What's your favorite song?" he asks, breaking the ice. She can't help but respond to him as a 12 year old giddy fan.

"Boy With Luv. I just love that song and your voice is amazing and I love the MV, the dancing is so cool," she goes on and on and he laughs, more accustomed to this reaction.

"Have you been a fan for a long time?" he asks.

"Oh yes, almost a whole entire year," she says in her concept of a long time. "Look at the pictures I have already." She spins the phone around to showcase all her treasured images taped to the wall around her bed which she has, for once, made.

He laughs and speaks comfortably with her. We stand in the doorway watching but trying to give her privacy.

"If you had been able to come to the fan sign, is there anything you would have asked or wanted to know from any of the members?"

"Erm...I think I would ask if you are going to spend more time in America now."

"Well, we are here for the tour for two months, after that we have to go to Europe. Have you seen us in concert?"

Gucci Girl  / V / KTH / BTS / 18+Where stories live. Discover now