(18+) Lost In the Corridor

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We straighten ourselves as the driver knocks on the door. V knocks back and the door is opened in some secret exchange of a code. He steps out and I grab my bag off the floor and take his hand as he leads me out of the car. It's very bright in the entry area to the hotel and there are a lot of people milling about. I squint my eyes against the bulbs above us and look down at the ground as I follow after him.

V keeps hold of my hand to pull me along past a few people outside and into the hotel lobby. His long legs walk quickly across to a bank of elevators and I struggle in my heels to keep up. The elevator opens and he inserts a key into it, allowing him to press the button for the floor where his room is.

Before the doors shut, he pulls me towards his body, locking me in an embrace and he kisses me. His kiss grows more passionate, pushing me back against the wall of the elevator as his hands run through my still messy hair. It's hard to keep my hands from roaming over his body as he's pressed firmly against me.

We feel the elevator surge to a stop and the doors open. He leads me out and turns to walk toward his room, but, he looks from door to door in the quiet hallway.

"I'm not sure which one it is, they always look the same," he explains.

"What can we do?" I ask.

"I'll just knock on a few doors," he shrugs.

"What? You can't do that, you don't know who will answer," I argue.

"It's only the band staying on this floor. This is our floor so it will be one of them that answers. And if no one answers, maybe that's my room," he laughs and I follow along behind him. He steps up to the first door and knocks.

"Who is it?" a sleepy voice calls from the other side. V recognizes it.

"Jin Hyung I can't find my room," he responds through the door. The door is opened and Jin stands in front of us, surprised to see V, and surprised by the sight of me behind him. He looks down to see that V is holding my hand and we both look very awkward. He squints at me as he tries to place where he has seen me.

"Weren't you at the fan sign today?" he asks. I nod embarrassed. He was the first person I spoke to so I made a bit of a fool of myself.

"She was getting signatures for her niece." V offers. In that moment, it all
comes back to Jin.

"Your niece right. What are you doing with Taehyung?" He's confused.

"Jin Hyung do we really have to explain that? I don't know which room is mine." Jin looks off down the hall.

"I think it was down that way, maybe on the right. Why not try the key and see if it opens," he suggests.

V thanks him and pulls me along down the hallway. Jin shakes his head and closes his door. V stops in front of the door that Jin suggested and he tries to swipe the key card and push against the door. His body moves against it with a thud as it refuses to open.

"What the fuck is going on?!" We hear a loud shout from inside the room. V turns to me with a scared but amused expression.

"Uh oh, it's Suga!" he says and he laughs and looks panicked as the door is flung open. Suga stands in the open doorway and looks at V, nostrils flaring, lips pursed, ready to shout. He's surprised by the site of me hiding behind V looking embarrassed.

"Taehyung what is going on?" he asks still looking at me.

"I can't find my room," he offers.

"Well you can't keep trying to enter people's rooms some of them are already asleep." He looks us over, standing close together, holding hands. "Come in. I'll call to find out which one is yours," he says moving aside to let us into his room.

Gucci Girl  / V / KTH / BTS / 18+Where stories live. Discover now