Another Trip

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In the last year I managed to grow the Instagram following quite a bit, maybe a fair amount of the new followers were just curious about the girl who was caught at the hotel with a member of BTS, and I suppose it helped to get some of that publicity at the time but I would definitely have preferred not to have my DMs full of threats and accusations from strangers. And I hoped that some would stick around long enough to understand me better, and just accept me for who I am.

Eventually the outrage dwindled down to what  I now consider a normal amount of weirdos and occasional angry people. Easy to move past and ignore. I also got a lot of nice messages and comments too, and I feel proud of what I've managed to do by myself in the last year. I stayed in the city at the apartment with my roommates, but I was now much better about paying rent on time and I didn't need to go to my sisters just to eat meals anymore.

Now I go to my sisters to spend time with them, and to enjoy being in the 'best Aunt ever' spotlight. The BTS posters were still all over Millie's wall but she had a more 'grown up appreciation' for them now at 13 1/2, or so she told me. They would always be her favorite, but there were a lot of other bands she liked too, and there was a boy at school she liked now. Sometimes she shared her feelings with me about him and about her worries and fears and it made me glad to have such a close relationship with her still.  I'm glad she trusts me enough to confide in me.

I didn't speak to Taehyung again after that day. I never got to return his sweater because he never sent me an address. He didn't text, or call or DM, not that I expected him to, or even wanted him to, because I was serious about getting my own life sorted out.  But, every few months, a package would arrive for me at my sister's address and inside would be a beautiful Gucci sweater, or shirt, sometimes a purse. There was never a signature but a note would be included written in a shop assistants hand that said, "I hope you like the ______, it reminded me of you." or "I thought this would look good on you..." and I knew they had to be from Taehyung.

In order to show my gratitude, I would make sure to post a picture to Insta of myself wearing whatever lovely item arrived and I would always say it was a 'gift from a special friend'. Maybe he saw the pictures, maybe not. But I enjoyed remembering him again every few months, and I loved the clothing too.

I actually felt too busy to worry about meeting anyone new. That was OK with me, I didn't mind being alone as I did when I was younger. Maybe I enjoyed my own company more now.  My roommates were forever trying to set me up with someone, but I just didn't need to be with a man in order to go out to dinner, or see movies, or go to museums or clubs. It was quite freeing not to worry about someone else. And to be perfectly honest, they would have a lot to live up to after spending that long night with V.

As I spent most of my Saturday mornings lately, I was at my sisters in Brooklyn.  She always made pancakes on Saturday morning so I made sure to jog before I came over, or, pretended I had gone jogging.  Today was one of the 'pretended to have gone jogging' days where I was obviously wearing work out clothing that was too cute and had no signs of sweat.  My sister just laughed at the charade as she opened the door for me.  She smiled as I took a seat next to Millie at the counter and stole a strawberry off her plate.

"I'm glad you didn't get too sweaty from your work out Halley," she said sarcastically, "Because another package arrived for you this morning." My ears perked up.

"Really? how big is it?" My eyes began to light up with the thrill of a new gift, and another chance to remember him.

"It's very small actually, more like a big envelop." I frowned and pouted a little but then I shrugged.

"Oh well, it's nice to be thought of," I said continuing to eat.

"Don't you want to open it Aunt Halley?" Millie stopped eating and looked at me.  I realized my sister was also looking at me and I stopped and looked between them, wondering why they were staring.

"Uh, sure. I do. Would it bother you?" I ask Millie.

"No way, it's really awesome that my Aunt gets presents from V. Nobody else I know can say that."

"OK," I wipe my mouth with a napkin and stand up. My sister pulls a smallish envelop out from the side board and hands it over to me.  The handwriting isn't familiar to me, it looks scratched quickly. I look at it confused.

"It's V's handwriting," Millie tells me. "I recognize it from the autograph you got me and from liner notes on the CDs."

I raise my eyebrows, this is a first, he's never addressed the gifts to me or even included a note he wrote himself. I tear open the envelop and see a single sheet of paper sticking out. I slide it out of the envelop and stare at the words.

"Well?!" Millie says eager.

"Well?!" My sister is also keen to know what it says.

I read it out loud to them, "Halley, I'm back in New York for a while.  You owe me a sweater.  And I owe you and Millie Moo some tickets to our show.  Let's meet up. I'll send a car for you. Another trip around the park?"

I blush as I say the last words out loud and I know my sister knows exactly why, but Millie is just excited.

"What else is in the envelop?" she asks. and I turn it over, allowing the contents to fall onto the counter. Out drops three tickets, instructions, and a pearl studded Gucci belt. I gasp at the belt, picking it up and running my fingers over the pearls. It makes me think back instantly to his fingers tugging at my belt that one night. I bite my lip at the memory.

Millie grabs the tickets and holds them up to us

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Millie grabs the tickets and holds them up to us. "It's right near the front, and sound check! Three tickets, one for each of us!" Her eyes are wide with shock.  My sister looks back and forth between us, seeing us each so happy and excited.

I'm trying to contain my thrill but I can't hold back. I grab Millie in a hug and we both scream at the top of our lungs and jump up and down overwhelmed with excitement.  I guess I'm not too grown up yet after all.

  I guess I'm not too grown up yet after all

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the end

thank you for reading

A/N: Read part two of the story 'Gucci Girl: A New Chapter" (continuing).

Gucci Girl  / V / KTH / BTS / 18+Where stories live. Discover now