The Reckoning

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Tae gets up from the bed, still naked, and walks to the suitcase open nearby grabbing clothing.  He still hasn't responded to my question.

"Yoongi, Jimin please go into the living room so that Halley can get dressed," he orders and they both walk out of the room without a word.  I can feel the tears starting to form in my eyes, unsure of what to do, unsure of what I've done.

I reach down and grab clothing laying scattered at the foot of the bed and I run into the bathroom to put the clothing on in private. It gives me a moment to study my reflection, which is disappointing because I look a mess, but, I also feel a mess. What have I done? Why would I just come back to the hotel with a man I don't even know, who could be married for all I know, and then just spend the night in wanton abandon? I really should grow up! I hear a voice in my head but it isn't my sister's voice, it's my own.

Once, I'm dressed, I clean up a little, and carefully open the door. I can hear Taehyung talking in the living room with the other men, in Korean, very quickly, and he seems worried and agitated. I'm afraid to walk out and face them, but I know I have to. I have to get out of this hotel room and get away from whatever is going on.  I take a deep breath and I step into the room. All three men turn and stare back at me and I freeze, unsure how to move past them or what to say. But then, inexplicably, Taehyung smiles at me and walks over, taking both my hands in his.

"I- I should leave now," I say to him.

Jimin calls from behind Taehyung, "You can't go out there dressed in the same clothes you wore last night, the photographers will be waiting for just that picture," he says and Taehyung turns me around and ushers me back into the bedroom.

"He's right, you don't have to leave, you can stay with me, but here," he offers me a really beautiful sweater to put on in place of mine. "Put this on, it's different clothing for a new day."

I pull the sweater over my head, standing in front of him in just my bra and jeans and he smiles, sliding his hands over my waist and kissing my neck. It's quite surprising considering I still don't know what the fuck is going on. I put his sweater on, it fits me, a little big, but it feels so soft and comforting.

"Taehyung, are you married?" I ask. His face breaks into a laugh and he shakes his head.

"No, I'm not married Halley." He's still laughing but I'm even more confused.

"Then, I don't understand what is going on. Why did your friends burst in and tell you that you're in trouble for being seen with me?" He sighs and sits down on the bed, turning my body to face him, as he holds my hips.  I let my hands fall onto his head, running my fingers through his silky hair as I stare down at him. He's so beautiful, it's almost breathtaking.

"I'm not suppose to be photographed holding your hand or kissing you, I'm not suppose to have a girlfriend, or to ever get married or to have a normal grown up life. Not right now," he says and the words just don't make sense to me. "We agreed when we started the group that we wouldn't let anyone in on our private lives. No one is photographed or caught on camera going on a date or having a relationship. That's just not done." I sigh relieved at his explanation and that this isn't something worse.

"I am sorry if this causes you problems. I didn't realize." I sit down next to him on the bed.

"I'm sorry it's going to cause you problems too," he says taking my hands in his.

"Why would it cause me problems, no one knows who I am, you can't tell anything about me from those pictures," I say unconcerned.

"You would think that," Yoongi steps into the doorway again. "but unfortunately Halley, you posted a picture on Instagram of you meeting Taehyung at the fan signing. And you have tens of thousands of followers." He shakes his head and I am hit with the realization that he's right, I did post a picture on my way back to my sister's house yesterday. "And you were wearing basically the same thing in the pictures, the Gucci belt, (he indicates the belt around my waist) so the tabloids already know who you are."

Gucci Girl  / V / KTH / BTS / 18+Where stories live. Discover now