(18+) Private Chat

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The house has been quiet since Millie went to bed around 9pm. I told my sister while I was helping clean up dinner dishes that I just wanted to go to bed early and I locked myself in the spare room.

I don't know exactly what to prepare for.  When he calls, if he calls, what should I be wearing? Should I act like I'm going out and be dressed up or like I'm ready for bed? It definitely seemed like he wanted to have more time with me and usually that means he will want to flirt until he takes it a little too far and then who knows what could happen. I smile at the ideas in my head.

I decide I might as well be comfortable and I take off my belt and jeans and get under the covers in a button down shirt I found stuffed in a drawer. If he calls I can just pretend I was sat in bed reading.

I tie my hair up in a messy bun to complete the look and raise my arm up to take a selfie as I hold a book I found on the shelf. I let my bare legs peek out from under the covers and I make sure to make a face that invites intrigue and shows intelligence all the while looking cute. Yes, that's actually how I think about my IG images; planning and arranging them to give strangers the best possible view into my life which in reality is not all that exciting...I upload #booklover #currentlyreading

As it posts I am interrupted by a FaceTime call from the same number from earlier. I listen, to make sure I can't hear any sounds in the house from my sister or niece, and I answer.

"Halley, hello. Again," he says looking hard at me trying to quickly identify where I am. "Did I disturb you?" He is back on the bed in his hotel room, a light on a side table illuminating the fluffy white duvet scrunched up underneath him that looks like he's been tossing and turning in it.

"No, I was just posting a picture on Instagram." I lay back across the pillow a little farther.

"Oh can I follow you?" he asks.

"Sure. It's guccigirlnyc." He sets the phone on a night stand near his bed and grabs a tablet nearby. 

"I'll follow under my secret account; Vante3012, follow me back." He winks at me and looks back at the screen as he scans through the app. I watch him, waiting for him to find the images. He smiles.

"Ooh I like your pictures. Wow, they're very professional. Do you model?" I laugh.

 "No. But one of my roommates is a photographer. He's really good." He looks at me surprised.

"You live with a male roommate?"

"Yes, I have two."

"How do they keep away from you?" he asks and I think I understand what he means.

"They're actually a couple, so its fairly easy for them to resist my charm." V laughs.

 "Well I wouldn't last a day knowing you were laying in bed, looking like that (he indicates toward the screen) in a room right next to me." Suddenly I feel very bold.

 "But I'm laying in bed next to you now. Can you resist me?" I give him my best sexy stare.

"I haven't been able to resist you, no. I spent a lot of the day looking at those pictures of you from the fan sign. It made me really happy," he smiles at me and bites his lip. "But it was also really frustrating."

"Oh?" I say casually, but I know where this is going and I'm all in. He's too damn sexy to refuse anything.

"Because I really enjoyed looking at pictures of you and remembering being near you, but I also know that you are not that far away from me, and maybe, I could actually be in the same room with you."

"Oh really?" This is quickly getting more interesting. I reposition myself on the bed, laying back further.

"Maybe the things I was imagining doing with you, I could actually do." He moans a little as he readjusts himself on his bed and I know he must be getting physically excited.

Gucci Girl  / V / KTH / BTS / 18+Where stories live. Discover now