Day 3- Lightning and Thunder (part 2)

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Warning! Contains: oogies, pecks, kissing, mention of blood, lightning, etc ? what do i put here-

(May 11th, 08:00)


"Aang, wake up." I groaned, slapping the hand on my shoulder. "Sokka, shut up. Does it look like I can sleep? My girlfriend is unconscious next to me right now." He frowned, sitting down at Katara's feet, playing with his fingers. 

I sat up straight, my hands trailing to Katara's hair, starting to braid it and unbraid it lightly. Why couldn't it have been me, Yue? I bit the inside of my cheek, looking down at her eyelids, her eyelashes resting lightly on her cheeks. 

My head eased up as Zuko yawned, rubbing Mai's shoulder, as she slowly yawned and rubbed her eyes, getting up. I frowned, my stomach queasy. Fuck, I miss her so much and it hasn't even been 12 hours yet. 

"What time is it?" I asked, turning to the blue-eyed boy next to me. He turned to look at me, his eyes watering a little bit. "Uh... 08, I think. We all slept in because... well, she was shot at 03 and we were all up until 04." 

"Sokka, stop," I whispered, looking down. "It's not my fault, okay? I didn't even see the lightning coming, and you know damn well if I did I would've taken the shot for her." Sokka's eyes darkened as he looked up at me. "You were fucking with her," he said, his voice dark. "You could've felt the lightning come with your powers or something." 

"Powers? Sokka, what the hell is wrong with you?!"

He was about to say something when Suki came over, holding his cheek and giving him a deep kiss, leaving me aching for Katara to wake up and hold me. I miss her so much- this isn't healthy. 

"I'm out," he seethed, his hands fisted as his feet stomped into the floor. "I'm going to break the news to Gran-Gran and Dad. You guys better act sad like your life depends on it if she comes here, okay?" Mai rolled her eyes at this, taking a small bite out of an apple. 

I sighed, turning to Suki, who just smiled and rolled her eyes. "Wake up Toph, I'll get Tylee." I raised my eyebrow. "Always giving me the tough one, yeah?" She giggled, walking over to Tylee's bed as I walked over to Toph's after leaving a small kiss on Katara's forehead. 

"Up, Toph, it's already 08," I muttered, lightly poking her shoulder. The reply to that was a punch in the nose for me. "Ouch!" I clutched my nose in my hand, turning to Toph with wide eyes. "What the hell was that for?" She winced, sitting up in bed slowly. "Twinkletoes? Yikes, I can't feel a thing here-" 

"I'll help you with that," Suki said, smiling, as Toph rolled her eyes, pulling on some shoes and gagging. "No, it's okay," I replied, "I got it." She nodded, going back to her bed, pulling out her bag from under it and pulling something out from it. 

I sighed, grabbing a tissue and some medical tape, wiping off the blood from my nose and putting some tape on it, wrapping up the nose with a new tissue. Tylee smirked as she saw the blood, kicking the trash can towards me. "Toph, come on, be nice to Aang." She put her hands up and looked around the room, saying, "I don't even know where he is right now!" 

"Get used to it, you're blind," Zuko said with a small smile, a plate of toast in his hand as he placed it on the table in the middle of the room. "Yeah, but normally I can still see! I hate this place!" I smiled, shivering a little as a gust of wind came in and blew up my robes. 

"Aang? Who burnt you? We're the only firebenders here, plus we're in the South Pole." I smiled, rubbing the back of my neck as I went to sit down next to Katara. "I burnt myself a lot while Katara was still with the healers. Fire's still my worst Element in bending, so I can't control it that well." 

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