Day 4- Let's Walk (part 2)

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Hey y'all! So i'm still working on the birthdays, but I've got the basics down. Umm so I'm gonna try to publish 3 chapters a day: one in the morning, one at noon, and one at night. Thank you two the 2 people who don't completely hate me!


"He didn't know his- never mind. I'll kill him later. We actually came here for Aang's birthday," I told Iroh. "Aren't you girls supposed to be in the south pole?" Iroh asked. 

"Yeah, but we're helping Kat un-paralyze," Mai said. "Well, I have all the ingredients to make and frost a cake in the back, if you want to make one," Iroh offered. We all smiled and Toph laughed. 

"We were just  going to do that," Suki said. "Would you mind?" Tylee asked. "Not at all, go right ahead," Iroh replied. 

Suki helped me up the stairs before I sat down in my wheelchair again. We all went to the kitchen in a group. 

Suki got out the flour and the baking soda. Tylee found the frosting and sprinkles. Toph made her way to the eggs and milk, which Mai made sure she didn't break. I got out the bowls and spoons. Mai got out the rest of the crap we needed. 

Toph broke the eggs into the bowl on my lap. 6 eggs, check! 

Toph poured in the milk into the bowl, which she didn't spill, surprisingly enough. 2 cups of milk, check! 

Mai dumped in sugar. A lot of sugar. 2 cups of sugar, check!

I stirred it up, since that was the only thing I could do. "He's going to hate this," I said. "Totally," Mai agreed. "100%," Toph assured me. "No argument here," Suki said. We all laughed. "But he's gonna love it because it's from you!" Tylee enthusiastically replied. That made me blush and everyone laugh. 

Suki dumped in the flour. One cup of flour, check!

Suki put in the baking soda. One tablespoon of baking soda, check! 

Mai put in a teaspoon of vanilla, and we were finally done with the batter. As soon as I mixed it for like 20 minutes. 

"He's not going to hate it," Suki said. "What recipe are following?" Tylee asked. "We're not following a recipe," I replied. Everyone looked at me. 

"Yeah, he's going to hate it," Suki said. We all laughed and I threw a bit of batter at her. "My mom made this cake for my 6th birthday, I remember the recipe, don't worry," I assured everyone. They all looked at me. 

"It's ok, I miss her, but since Zuko took me to see the person who- well, you know -I've been ok." They all smiled. "He's going to love the shit  out of it!" Toph exclaimed. I threw batter at her. "Language!" We all laughed. 

"He might not enjoy the egg shells, though," Mai said. We all giggled again. 

"I'm so glad this stupid war is over, now we can all just be friends without worrying about Azula," Tylee said. We all smiled and agreed. "We do have to worry about Azula, though. She captured Aang, remember?" Suki said. I looked down at the thought of that. 

I quickly looked back up though. "Before he left, he told me he took away her bending," I confessed. "I didn't see any giant blue and red lights," Toph said. We all giggled. 

"I think that only happens the first time," I said. Toph rolled her eyes. "Duh, Sugar Queen." I threw batter at her. "Don't sass me, Melon Lord," I teased. We all laughed again. 

I finally finished the batter, but we didn't have any fire benders to heat up the stove. "Wow, we're smart," Mai said. We giggled. "Iroh!" Suki exclaimed. "He can help, right?" We all nodded and she went off to find him. 

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