Day 7- Final Day (part 4)

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Ok guys, so im not remote anymore so i might only be posting one part a day if not every other day. Until Christmas break, at least. Happy December and thanks for reading!

This is also the last part for this story! Thank you so much for everyone who read it and voted, it means so much to me! I really hope you enjoyed it, and will enjoy the next book on their trip to Gaoling! :)))


I stormed out of the igloo, looking for the person who I'm going to end today. I stormed all around the Southern Tribe, steam practically spewing out of my ears. I scowled once I saw him. I knew I could kill him with the flick of my wrist, but that wouldn't make me happy. 

I walked right up to him and sliced a cut in his upper arm. He whipped his head around to face me. "What the fuck?" he asked. "Oh, no, I'm so sorry, please, don't hurt me!" he exclaimed. I smirked. "You wish,"  I replied before I started to glow. 

I jumped onto him and attacked him, ripping his hair. I stabbed his throat, cutting off his air. I burned him, everywhere. I wanted to kill him. But I wanted to do it the hard way. I took his leg with my hand and bent it upwards when I heard a crack. I brought my hand up to his jaw and snapped it shut, hearing another crack. 

I burnt his head, hearing a scream. I shot icicles into his rib cage, hearing screams from his broken jaw. I landed on his rib, hearing another crack or two. I was about to break his arm when someone grabbed my arms and pulled me away. 

I grunted, trying to pull away as I kicked my legs. "What the fuck are you doing, Aang?" Hakoda screamed in my ear. "He hurt Katara!" I barked, flickering. Hakoda let go of me and looked at my eyes. "Where is she?" he asked. "In the igloo," I replied before going back to flickering. 

I was about to run over to Psycho again when two people grabbed my arms. "Avatar Aang, you will be arrested for attempting murder," I heard a voice say as I watched Psycho being taken away by two healers. 

I started glowing again, and kicked both the guys in balls. They let go of me and fell down, aching in pain. I took that as a sign and ran to the igloo. I bursted inside. 

"They're gonna arrest me," I said. 


"WHAT?!" I screamed, trying to run over to Aang. I fell after I used my right leg once, face first. "Katara!" Aang screamed as he ran over to me. He picked me up and carried me back to my bed, laying me in between Zuko and Sokka. 

"I almost killed him but your dad stopped me. Then he ran over to you and I went at Psycho again. But two soldiers stopped me and said I'd be arrested due to attempt of murder," he said. 

I was already crying. "No! You can't get arrested!" I screamed. He hugged me close. "They can't arrest me, babe. I'm the Avatar," he replied. 

I was crying so much. "Did you kill him?" I asked. He shook his head. "He's lucky your dad was there to stop me. I broke so many of his bones it's unbelievable," he replied. I let out a breath. "Yep, you're still Twinkletoes," Toph said. We all giggled. 

"Ok, two almost disasters in a day is enough. Let's go do something non-Team Avatar related," Sokka said. We all laughed at that. We know trouble follows wherever we go. We all agreed and decided to head to watch the kids waterbending. 

"Kat, is that..." Sokka said, pointing to a little girl. She wasn't a year old yet even, her mother was holding her and she was watching the waterbenders practice. I squinted my eyes to look at the little girl. My jaw dropped. 

"It is!" I exclaimed. "Who?" Toph asked. "Hope!" Sokka and I said at the same time. Toph crossed her arms, smiled, and shook her head. "What's that little Earth Kingdom girl doing in the Southern Water Tribe?" Suki asked. 

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