Day 5- Happy Birthday, Aang (part 1)

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I knew I needed to find a way to get out of bed without waking Aang up. It's 5 in the morning and I couldn't walk, Aang was still on the outside of the bed, and not to mention our legs were entangled. 

I removed my legs from his and pushed my body up to see Suki tapping my shoulder and motioning for me to get out. I shrugged my shoulders as if to ask, how? She pointed to Aang and tapped her wrist as if to signal a watch. Then she sat up straight. A meeting, I thought as she walked away. 

I tapped Aang and woke him up. "B-babe? It's five in the morning, what's wrong?" he asked me. "Nothing, I have a meeting. Could you help me out, please?" I replied, pecking his lips. He nodded and got out of the bed. He then picked me up and sat me in my wheelchair. 

"Are you sure you don't need any help?" he asked me. I shook my head. "No thanks, sweetie, I've got it from here," I assured him, smiling. I saw Tylee and Toph waking up, then I saw Toph fall out of the bed. Aang got back under the covers. 

Suki followed me into the bathroom. I grabbed my hair comb and sectioned my hair into my four parts: the braid, the bun, and the two hair loopies. Suki braided my hair as I put in my earrings. 

Tylee moved Toph in front of me, sitting down. "Can you do her hair?" she asked me. I nodded. "Sure." I sectioned Toph's hair into the sections for her bangs and her bun. I put up her bun, securing it with her hairpiece. I let out her bangs, combing them with my fingers. 

Suki was done with my braid and bun by now, so I finished putting in the hair loopies and rolled to the kitchen room. It was so freaking tiny. Tylee pushed Toph to follow me, her braid jiggling behind her. Suki followed us and I saw Mai walk into the bathroom. 

Suki made us toast again, but it was cold this time because Zuko was asleep. The boys were distracting Aang as we decorated the igloo today. Just the thought of Aang made my heart flutter, and I must've been blushing because Toph noticed. "Sugar Queen, what're you thinking about?" she smirked. 

I blushed harder. "Aang, I bet," Mai said. I blushed harder, if that was even possible. Tylee giggled. Then Mai started to blush. "Thinking 'bout Zuko?" I teased. She blushed more. "I feel like I haven't been happy in ages," Mai said. "So glad I finally am again." 

Tylee smiled. "I know, it's been forever!" We all giggled, even Mai. We finished up our bread and headed out, careful not to wake the boys. 

We headed over to the twin's house. I opened the door, because they were  deaf. They were still asleep, hugging their pillows. Tylee woke up El and Mai woke up Al. 

They woke up and got out of bed. "Hey!" they both said, hugging me. I hugged them back. "Karri put the cake in here last night with a note," El said. "It looks amazing," Al finished. 

I smiled and thanked them. "I couldn't have done it without the girls," I trailed of, rolling away. I grabbed a pen and paper and started to write out the schedule for the day. 


Around an hour after the girls left the house, Zuko woke me up. "Aang! Wake up! We have a meeting in an hour!" he screamed in my ear, shaking me. 

"I'm up, I'm up, stop shaking me," I replied. "We have a meeting today?" I wondered. "Yeah, something about girl vs boy warriors," Sokka said from him bed. I got out of bed and into the changing room. I showered, jumped into my robes, and went down to Zuko and Sokka sitting at the kitchen table. 

"Ok, Sokka, I need you to tell me something," I asked the Water Tribe warrior. He nodded. "What's up?" I looked him directly in the eye. "Do you know where Pyscho lives?" Both Sokka and Zuko stopped eating to look at me. "You're gonna murder him," Zuko clarified. I nodded. 

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