Day 6- The Day of The Attack (part 3)

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It's 6:00 pm. We've been fighting since 5:00 am. We're all exhausted. I just picked up Aang, Sokka, Zuko, Suki, Mai, and my dad from the Fire Nation since they drove the ships there. We're going back to the South Pole right now. 

"Yip Yip, Appa! I know we're tired now, but we have to move!" I screamed. "Aang, he's going to fall asleep in mid air," I said. "No, no, no, please no, Appa," Sokka complained. 

Everyone else was pretty much asleep on his saddle. "Katara, if you're tired, I'll take it," Aang said, half asleep. "Aang, you're half asleep. I didn't even fight much, I'm perfectly fine," I said. 

He put his head down on my lap and fell asleep. I whipped Appa's reign one more time. I looked down under me. I saw Ba Sing Se. I groaned. 

"Appa, we're going to the Southern Tribe, not Ba Sing Se!" I coaxed. He groaned. I moved the reign to the side but he didn't move. "Appa, come on, boy!" I coaxed. 

Suddenly we were falling. I grabbed onto the reign with my right hand and Aang's hand with my left. "We're falling!" I screamed. "Appa, wake up!" Zuko ordered. "Come on, Appa!" Suki screamed. 

We were still on the outer wall of Ba Sing Se. My hand was slipping from the reign, and I was falling. I knew I was going to let go, so I put Aang's hand in my dad's so he didn't fall and let go of the reign. 

"Katara! No!" he screamed, grabbed his glider and falling after me. I braced myself for impact, but Aang caught me just in time. We were like 10 feet above the ground. He glided us back to to Appa, I don't know why. 

I was on his saddle again. I moved to his head, I knew we were going to land in 3...2...1... THUD. 

I suddenly didn't see anything. What's going on? 


We just landed and I was holding on to Katara. I was hugging her and making sure she was safe. I let go of her and moved her face. "Kat?" I asked. No response. "Toph, is she..?" I trailed off. She nodded. 

"She's unconscious," Toph explained. I nodded and hugged her close. I picked her up bridal style and jumped off of Appa. "Is everyone ok?" Hakoda asked, worried. 

"Yeah," Suki said. "I'm good," Sokka replied. "We're ok," Zuko said. "Mhm," Mai said. "I'm fine," Toph agreed. "Yeah," Tylee replied. 

"Thank you for saving her, Aang," he thanked me. I nodded and hugged her tighter. We all sat down on the grass near Appa. We saw the sun start to come up. "What time is it, Yue?" I asked. I heard her tell me it was 6:08 pm. I groaned. 

"6:08 pm," I told the group. We all groaned. "Today was hectic," Sokka said. We all agreed. "You can say that again," Zuko said. "They were supposed to come over in 2 days!" Suki complained. "We defenitly weren't ready," Hakoda said. 

I hugged Katara closer. Spirits, she's so cute. "At least we won," I tried to lighten the mood. "Barely," Mai complained. "Yeah," I agreed. 

We all sat down and fell asleep for around 10 minutes until Katara woke up. "Aang?" she asked. I woke up. "Kat!" I whisper-screamed, throwing my arms around her. She hugged me back. "What happened?" she asked. 

"Appa fell asleep in mid-air," I explained. She nodded. "Can I fall asleep?" she asked. "Yeah," I replied. She fell asleep on my leg, and we were asleep for about 2 hours. 

----2 hours later---


Aang was gently tapping my shoulder. I was on Appa's saddle all of a sudden. "Yeah?" I asked, waking up and rubbing my eyes. "Morning," he said, pecking me. "Or night, should I say?" I smiled. "What time is it?" I asked. 

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