Day 7- Final Day (part 3)

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I swear to Roku I heard Katara scream my name. "Sokka? Did you hear that?" I asked the warrior. He nodded. "Yeah, was that Kat?" he asked. I nodded. My eyes widened. "There it is again!" I screamed as she shouted her brother's name. Zuko turned to look at us. "Is she ok?" he asked. 

"She's in danger!" Sokka yelled as we all ran to the direction of the voice. We had left the rest of the group a few minutes ago to take a walk. They went penguin sledding. 

Suddenly, I wasn't controlling myself again. Neither was Sokka or Zuko. "Shit," was all Sokka could make out. "Fuck," Zuko complained. We all grunted and groaned trying to get out of the grip of this technique, but it was no use. Who the hell? 

I heard Katara scream again and my hear skipped a few steps. "She's in pain!" I screamed. The three of us were crying, but not because of our  pain. "Let the fuck go of us!" Zuko yelped. 

"Now!" Sokka barked. I heard someone cackle. I turned to see a dark figure. I was surprised when I saw that he was only about the age of Sokka. My eyes widened when I saw the he  was the one one bending us. "Let go of us!" Sokka barked. 

I realized Katara was still in pain. "What did you do to Katara?" I screamed. The figure cackled. "Oh, like you care, Avatar Aang," the figure replied. I heard her scream again and lost my temper. 

"That's it," I said, going into the Avatar State. I didn't care. I easily got out of the grip the boy had on me and walk over to him, cuffing his hands behind his back, leaving Sokka and Zuko falling to the floor as I left the State. I blocked his qi's and me, Zuko, and Sokka ran as quickly as we could to Katara. 


"AANG! SOKKA! ZUKO! TO- AAAAHHHH!!" I screamed. The dark figure was bending my bad leg a lot, and it was hurting. Psycho was right, I did know the boy bending the liquid in me. But it wasn't the elderly lady I expected to see in front of me. 

I tried to push past the pain and call for my boyfriend, but it was to much to take in. "AANG! PLEASE!" I screamed. "AAAAHHHH!!!" I wasn't on my wheelchair anymore, I was standing. I've never felt so weak. 

"SOKKA! ZUKO! AANG! SOMEONE!" I screamed. "DAD!" I screamed, giving up all hope. I knew he wouldn't let me be with Aang if he figured out that he left me alone when I can't walk. But I can't move now, let alone walk. 

I suddenly wasn't breathing. I was being chocked by ice. Like I did to Ozai. I was slowly dizzy, then suddenly I fell on the ground. 


I heard Katara screaming, but suddenly I didn't. I saw her body on the floor in front of me and I flew forward, smacking the shit out of anyone near her besides Zuko and Sokka. "Is she breathing?" Sokka asked me. I shook my head, tears streaming down my face. 

"It's not good. She's breathing, but it's not good," I replied, steadying her breath. "Don't you dare mention this to your dad," Zuko warned. "Why?" "Because he'll kill Aang for not being with Katara!" "Oh, k." 

I steadied her breath as much as I could. I realized I was glowing. She suddenly shot up, chocking over air. I patted her back and steadied her breath until she was alive and ok. 

"What the fuck?" she screamed as I hugged her. "AAAAHH!" She grabbed her leg in pain. "OK, sis, now that your alive we're going to get someone to heal you," Sokka said. She nodded, still in pain. 

"Ok, what the fuck happened?" Zuko asked. "It's him... Sokka... remember- AAHH! Remember Yakone?" she asked. Sokka nodded. "From the Northern Tribe," he said. Katara nodded. "He somehow figured out bloodbending- AAAHH!" 

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